- Wait until you are very ready for your next Multiple Listing submittal, Once the submittal is received by UL. a Multiple Listing specialist will contact you to assist in completing the new agreements. 你可以一直等到下一个多重列名提交的时候;一旦UL公司接受你的多重列名申请;一个多重列名专家就会与你联系协助你完成新的合同协议.
- You can import multiple lists in a single import operation, but you can import only one view of each list. 可以在一个导入操作中导入多个列表,但是只能导入每个列表的一个视图。
- You can reuse the column in multiple lists to ensure that the names always appear the same way in each list. 可在多个列表中重复使用该列,以便确保名称在每个列表中始终都以相同方式显示。
- You can also use the list feature to compartmentalize sets of related data by organizing that data using multiple lists on a single worksheet. 也可使用列表功能分组相关数据,方法是使用单个工作表上的多个列表来组织数据。
- If you have a formula that you want to use frequently in multiple lists or libraries, you can add a calculated column to the list of site columns. 如果要经常在多个列表或库中使用某个公式,可以向网站栏的列表中添加一个计算栏。
- "There are multiple listings for Jennifer Smith in New york" the operator said. "Do you have a street name? “住在纽约的詹尼弗有太多了。”司机说,“你能告诉我街道的名称吗?
- Eliminate old addresses and merge/purge multiple lists to eliminate duplications, which can turn off your recipients. 删除过期地址,然后将多个表单合并成一个,这样可以剔除重复项目,避免引起顾客的不快。
- You can share the settings across multiple lists and libraries so that you don't have to recreate the settings each time. 可以在多个列表和库之间共享设置,这样就无需每次重新创建这些设置。
- The damaged vessel was listing badly. 受损坏的船倾斜得很厉害。
- The ship was listing badly but still kept afloat. 船倾侧得很厉害,但却仍然漂浮不沉。
- He is the person with multiple injuries. 他就是那个多处受伤的人。
- Friendship multiple joy and divide grieve. 朋友之间,欢乐同享,苦难同当。
- We use the hall for multiple purposes. 这个大厅我们派多种用途。
- Next you want to sort the list on multiple fields. 接下来要按多个域对列表进行排序。
- A multiple crash can often be seen on that motorway. 那条公路上的联环撞车事故很多。
- List contents of multiple remote directories. 显示远程目录中的文件和子目录列表。
- Automated Telephone Listing Address System. 自动电话列表地址系统。
- Display data from multiple lists with the Content Query Web Part 使用“内容查询Web部件”显示多个列表中的数据
- This means listing the most common options first. 让这些功能最容易被访问到,这意味着要把最常用的选项放在最前面。
- Object is to ask for help, as shown in Listing 2. 对象的最简单方法就是阅读帮助,如清单2所示。