- multiple origin AS conflict 多源AS冲突
- Proposed legislation originates as a bill. 立法起始于一个议案。
- Terms such as conflict , threat, anxiety, or thrill are often used synonymously. 人们也经常将“冲突”、“威胁”、“不安”、“激动”这样的词与其等同起来。
- The word originated as a marketing term. 这个词原本是营销术语。
- We started out originally as a taxi firm. 我们起初开业时是一家出租车公司。
- But an important recent discovery is that most taxonomically recognized polyploid species are of multiple origin, instead of mono-origin. 过去认为多倍体只能是进化的死胡同,现在发现很多多倍体类群都是多元起源的而不是单元起源的。
- Radiologic studies and second abdominal exploration documented the origin as a perforated duodenum. 此脓疡的分布形式与以往的病例不同,可能是源于不同的感染路径。
- QUESTIONER: Since Ra evolved initially on Venus Ra is of the same archetypical origin as that which we experience here. Is this correct? 提问者:拉起初在金星上演化,故拉和我们在这儿经验的原型起源是相同的?
- Babism originated as a messianic movement in Shiite Islam. 巴布教原本是伊斯兰教什叶派里的一种救世主运动。
- This study turns out that cathodoluminescence technique is useful in study of ore deposit origin as a simple,convenient and realiable mean. 这表明,阴极发光技术是一种简便、可靠和实用的矿床成因研究手段。
- Obtains from the Confucianist culture historical origin as well as the Confucianist culture development, the system studies the Confucianist culture to the martial arts influence. 从儒家文化的历史渊源以及儒家文化的发展入手,系统研究儒家文化对武术影响。
- The pre-Qin aesthetics of China has a development has a development of multiple origins and manifold directions. 摘要先秦审美意识的酝酿是一个多点萌发、多向互渐的进程。
- It expands prior research on contiguity in two ways.First, unlike other studies, it examines how geographic distance between countries affects cooperation as well as conflict. 主要特点有二方面:第一、检验两国之间的距离如何影响合作及冲突,第二、检验两国之间的距离,透过贸易间接效果,如何影响合作及冲突。
- AABB cytotypes are made up of several haplotypes, which may results from their multiple origins. AABB由多个单倍型构成,这有可能是AABB多元起源的结果。
- Haiku (a three-line verse) originated as the first verse of longer poems. 俳句是一种三行诗(如左侧日本书法及译文所呈现),最初源自较长诗歌的第一节诗句。
- Originally as a broker, non-interference in the private lives of artists. 原本作为经纪人,不干涉艺人的私生活。
- Most people wrongly assume that Christmas has a complete Christian origin when it actually originated as a Pagan Holiday. 大部分人错误地认为圣诞节完完全全来自于基督教,而它实际上却起源于一个非异教徒的节日。
- Single focus on economic benefit of technology innovation shows limitation such as conflict between development and environment, revealing unbalance of economic increase and social welfare. 以往农业发展中注重技术创新的经济目标的局限性及由此带来的发展与环境的矛盾、经济增长与社会福利失衡的矛盾等是制约“三农”问题解决的瓶颈。
- For merge replication, constraint violations are treated as conflicts; they are logged, but they do not cause the Merge Agent to stop synchronizing. 对于合并复制,违反约束将视为冲突。会将其记入日志,但不会导致合并代理停止同步。
- This paper presents a joint nominative proxy signature scheme by combining the methods of nominative proxy signatures and multi-signatures, which can be used to solve the problem of signing on a document by multiple original signers efficiently. 摘要将指名代理签名和多重签名的思想结合起来,提出了联合指名代理签名方案,可有效地解决多位原始签名者同时委托一位代理签名者签名的问题。