- Fu Lei accepted and disseminated Balzac through multiple perspectives and forms. 他对巴尔扎克的接受与传播是多方位的。
- The fuselage foundation may revolve 20 degrees, convenient multiple perspectives onlooking demand. 机身底座可以旋转20度,方便多角度的观看需求。
- One new class will analyze the crisis from multiple perspectives, via six professors. 有六名教授将通过一门新课从多个角度分析这场危机。
- Through the intersection of multiple perspectives and approaches, new theoretical insights will develop and unexpected practical solutions will emerge. 通过多视角多种方法的交集,培养新的理论认识,意想不到的实际解决方案会浮现。
- In this paper, housing consumption and housing investment are explained in multiple perspectives, which overthrows the traditional theory. 本文对住房消费与住房投资在多重视角下的重新解读,从理论层面修正了传统认识。
- That currently appears in the Workbench. You can have multiple perspectives open at any given time; to switch from one to another, just select its icon. 在任意给定的时间里,您都可以拥有多个打开的透视图,并且只需要选择其图标就可以从其中的一个切换到另一个。
- The visitor thus experiences the Sky Disc from multiple perspectives, opening new views and enabling individual interpretation and history of this fascinating discovery. 访客从而经验天空光盘从多个角度,开辟了新的看法和解释,使个人和历史的这个迷人的发现。
- These accomplishments often proceed by means of interactions in which ideas emerge from the discourse between multiple perspectives and cannot be credited to any one person. 这些成就往往是通过交互的方式进行,在交互过程中,想法浮现于多重视角之间,而不能只归因于其中任何一人。
- Through brainstorming and sharing, students have opportunities to view multiple perspectives about their social world from different people and writing. 透过脑力激荡和写作分享,学生有机会从不同的人和作品看到社会的多元观点。
- We recommend that Product Teams apply "design transparency", overlaying multiple perspectives on the design solution to help critique it from different view points. 我们建议产品团队采用“设计透明度”的方法,在设计方案上覆盖多角度,从不同的观点去帮助批评它。
- If a person is not good at the independent thinking, also how can the multiple perspectives regarding question???? Perhaps this also deficiently concerns with the information. 一个人如果不善于独立思考,又怎能多角度地看待问题?这也许还和信息贫乏有关。
- Irving Babbitt and his philosophy still remain disputed, and this paper seeks to reinterpret him from multiple perspectives so that we can approach a completely new Babbitt. 白璧德是一位颇有争议的人物,本文诣在从全方位、多角度对白璧德有一个全新的认识:生平、思想源头、理论、及著作的解读,西方文化视野中的白璧德及中国视野中的白璧德。
- It can train students to consider issues from multiple perspectives, and thus greatly help to train their divergent thinking graduallly during the process of thinking . 一题多解与一题多变可以锻炼学生从多角度思考问题,在思考中逐渐使发散思维得到极大的培养。
- The fact shows that there are multiple perspectives characterized with "family resemblance", such as the perspectives on the fundamentality of technology, the particular man-made objects and the relation between human beings and technology. 主要表现为考察技术根本问题的视角、考察具体人工物品的视角和考察人与技术关系的视角等。
- Since the diaspora are always shifting between cultures, they enjoy a wider and multiple perspectives, which help them to participate in the reforming and inheriting of human cultures. 由于离散者游移于多种文化之间 ,故而拥有更宽阔和多元的视角 ,得以重新参与文化的改造与传承。
- It is beneficial for the establishment of modern notions of administrative law and modern institutions of administrative law to study administrative law from all its aspects and from multiple perspectives. 对行政法律关系进行全方位、多角度的研究 ,有利于确立现代行政法观念和行政法制度。
- Passes through from the multiple perspectives slow motion playbacking evidence collection, the leeway which Styles had already not quibbled, he prepares to the Niu card aspect to apologize. 经过从多角度慢镜头回放取证,斯泰尔斯已经没有狡辩的余地,他准备向纽卡方面道歉。
- In contrast, narrative forms often "explode" incidents by offering many interpretations of the same incident, examining the incident from multiple perspectives, and expanding time. 与之不同的是,叙述结构经常“探究”事件,通过对同一事件的不同叙述,从多个视角审视事件,平且扩展了时间。
- You must get the story in its right perspectives. 你必须正确地了解这件事。
- Norman Bethune in the Multiple Perspectives 多重视野中的白求恩