- This requirement manifests itself in terms of multiple sources. 这一要求本身表明要用多震源。
- However, a single event log can be associated with multiple sources. 但是,单个事件日志可以与多个源关联。
- Extracting data from multiple sources requires an iterative control flow. 从多个源提取数据需要采用迭代控制流。
- Nuisance law proved inadequate to control widespread pollution from multiple sources. 事实证明妨害法不适于控制大范围的许多污染源的污染。
- Portals have traditionally been channels for aggregating and delivering content and functions from multiple sources. 门户是传统的汇集和提交来源于多个方面的内容和功能的渠道。
- Want a multiple source of income, but don't know how to start. 希望发展第二职业,却不知从何入手;
- Provides significant levels of phytonutrients:1-10 mg lutein,1-10 mg lycopene, and50-250 mg flavonoids from multiple sources. 提供显著剂量的植物性营养:1-10毫克的叶黄素、-10毫克的蕃茄红素以及从多种来源中取得50-250毫克的类黄酮。
- The data flow engine supports multiple sources, multiple transformations, and multiple destinations in one fast, flexible data flow. 数据流引擎支持在一个快速、灵活的数据流中具有多个源、多个转换和多个目标。
- XQuery addresses the data needs of an application by enabling access to multiple sources, selecting information from them, and joining the data. XQuery能够满足应用程序的数据需求:可以访问多个数据源、选择信息和连接数据。
- Sounds will no longer stutter and pause if large amounts of creatures are being hit with AoE attacks from multiple sources. 当大量的生物受到不同来源的范围性攻击时,音效将不再断断续续及停顿。
- Provides significant levels of phytonutrients: 1-10 mg lutein, 1-10 mg lycopene, and 50-250 mg flavonoids from multiple sources. 提供显著剂量的植物性营养:1-10毫克的叶黄素、1-10毫克的蕃茄红素以及从多种来源中取得50-250毫克的类黄酮。
- With its favorable correlation properties, a pseudorandom sequence is exploited in impulse response measurement simultaneously for multiple sources. 伪随机序列由于具有优良的相关特性从而在多输入、输出系统测量中得到了应用。
- Based on uniform circular arrays(UCAs),a high-precision estimation of 2D direction angle for multiple sources is proposed. 基于均匀圆阵(UCA),提出一种信号二维方向角的高精度估计方法。
- The mixer allows us to quickly switch among the video sources and to put multiple sources of video on the screen at once. 混频器允许我们在视频资源中快速切换,把多路资源同时显示在屏幕上。
- The covariance matrices of the multiple arrays are coherently fused into one of a reference array, and then locations of multiple sources are estimated. 该算法首先融合多个传声器阵列数据,然后对多声源进行定位。
- Multiple sources in the Jackson family tell us even if Katherine Jackson gets custody of Michael Jackson's kids, Michael's big sister Rebbie Jackson will raise the children. 此文件还说除了孩子们仍未收到的社会保障津贴外;他们需要完全依靠遗产来维持生活.
- Different techniques are explained: Canonical I/O (only complete lines are transmitted/received), asyncronous I/O, and waiting for input from multiple sources. 文中所谈到的技术包括:标准的I/O(只具有传送/接收线的),异步I/O,及等待来自多信号源输入的程式。
- This study survey key equity issues in Russian higher education, and discusses the manifestations and multiple sources of education inequity in transitional countries. 摘要文章在介绍俄罗斯高等教育公平问题的基础上,从较深层次论述了社会转型时期教育公平问题的表现特征和多重根源。
- We also have intelligence from multiple sources that Iraq is attempting to acquire magnets and high-speed balancing machines; both items can be used in a gas centrifuge program to enrich uranium. 我们从多方获得情报指出伊拉克试图获得磁块和高速配平机械:两者都可用于进行气体离心分离机浓缩铀计划。