- multiplexer IOP 多工器输入输出处理机
- Thomas Edison invents multiplex telegraphy. 托马斯.;爱迪生发明多路复用电报。
- Edna: I saw it at the multiplex last year. 埃德娜:去年我在影城看了。
- Prohibition of a multiplex application. 多重申请禁止!
- Multiplex layer、multiplex station press. 多层多工位压榨。
- In 10 eyes, a single goniotomy achieved adequate IOP reduction. 其中有10只眼睛只需一次前房角切开术就达到了适当的平均眼内压降低。
- To send simultaneously using a multiplex system. 多路传输(几种信号等)用多路传输系统同时传送
- More than 3% of healthy persons have IOP above 21 mm Hg. 超过3%25的健康人IOP在21mmHg以上。
- Futaba, JR, Hitec, KO, Multiplex... 也都是值得推崇的品牌....
- Results In all cases,anterior chamber depth and IOP became normal. 均采用小切口白内障囊外摘出、后房人工晶状体植入并联合小梁切除术。
- Output multiplexer for S band high power microwave[J]. 引用该论文 李国林;舒挺;袁成卫.
- The output of the multiplexer goes to one of two comparator inputs. 输出的多路到两个比较投入。
- The triangle, square, and sine waves are input to a multiplexer. 三角波、正弦波和矩形波输入一个多路器。
- The applanation tonometer atend to underestimate the true IOP after CK. 结论:ck术后压平式眼压计测量眼压值偏低。
- How do I verify the status of the multiplexer ports? 如何验证多路复用器端口的状态?
- Significant IOP elevation was defined as pressure greater than 21 mmHg. 有意义的眼压上升定义为术后的眼压高于21毫米汞柱。
- The article reviews the researches of diurnal monitoring of IOP in glaucoma. 文章就青光眼患者昼夜眼压监测的情况进行综述。
- Figure 1 illustrates the concept of a multiplex wiring system. 图一表明多路传输接线系统的原理。
- The isual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), and complications were analyzed. 分析视力、眼压和并发症。
- My local multiplex has50 different flicks to choose from this week. 本周我附近的电影城有50部不同的片子可供选择。