- Finally, the mechanism of this effect was analyzed, and the corresponding technical means of improving the multiplexing capability of distributed fiber optic crack sensing were proposed. 对这种影响的机理进行了分析,并提出相应的提高光纤分布式裂缝传感复用能力的技术路径。
- time division multiplexing capable 时隙交换接口
- multiplexing capabilities 复用能力
- The engineer explained the plane's technical capabilities. 工程师讲解了该飞机的技术性能。
- Dividing the connection is called multiplexing. 分割此种连接被称为多路技术。
- A student of great capabilities. 一个能力极强的学生
- We have continued to build up our capabilities. 我们在持续不断地加强我们的能力。
- He has capabilities as a diplomat. 他有当外交官的资质。
- I am afraid that might be beyond my capabilities. 恐怕非我能力所及。
- Thomas Edison invents multiplex telegraphy. 托马斯.;爱迪生发明多路复用电报。
- Edna: I saw it at the multiplex last year. 埃德娜:去年我在影城看了。
- Age affects the range of a person's capabilities. 年龄影响着一个人能力的大小。
- An essay of the students' capabilities. 学习能力测验
- Prohibition of a multiplex application. 多重申请禁止!
- Multiplex layer、multiplex station press. 多层多工位压榨。
- Where do I find the Browser Capabilities File? 哪里可以找到browscap.;ini文件?
- To send simultaneously using a multiplex system. 多路传输(几种信号等)用多路传输系统同时传送
- Capabilities and management of volatile storage. 不稳定存储的功能和管理。
- Futaba, JR, Hitec, KO, Multiplex... 也都是值得推崇的品牌....
- Better competitive capabilities against weeds. 比除草有更强的竞争力。