- Branch-Parameter Calculation for the Controllable Reactor of Multiply Parallel Branch Type 多并联支路型可控电抗器支路参数计算
- multiply parallel branch type 多并联支路型
- Sustained Conduction Method of Controllable Reactor of Multiple Parallel Branch Type 多并联支路型可控电抗器的支撑导通法
- When do you create a branch type? 什么时候创建一个分支类型?
- The UBD choke manifold is fully integrated into the separation skid and comprises of a 5000-psig-choke manifold with a 6-inch gut line and two 4-inch parallel branch lines. 欠平衡节流管汇完全集成于一个分离橇中,由一条5000磅/平方英寸(表压)的节流管汇组成,并带有一条6英寸的隔热管线和两条4英寸的平行分支管线。
- White grape because of its fruit-like milk cow named after the nipple, and its ear for the branch type, Sui Augmentum large tablets. 白牛奶葡萄因其果粒状似奶牛乳头而得名,其果穗为分枝型,穗大粒硕。
- Resistance index (RI) of the tumor vessels under 0.5 was found in 10 cases that were hypervascular with irregular branch type, ... 10例分支样肿瘤血管中均可检测出阻力指数小于0。5的血管,且其阻力指数从主干到末梢逐级增加。
- Choke ManifoldThe UBD choke manifold is fully integrated into the separation skid and comprises of a 5000-psig-choke manifold with a 6-inch gut line and two 4-inch parallel branch lines. 节流管汇欠平衡节流管汇完全集成于一个分离橇中,由一条5000磅/平方英寸(表压)的节流管汇组成,并带有一条6英寸的隔热管线和两条4英寸的平行分支管线。
- Having erect and almost parallel branches tapering toward the top, as in the Lombardy poplar. 帚状的伦巴第白杨树等的枝条挺直,几乎平行,且向顶端逐渐变细的
- Based on the reviewer response, the workflow proceeds down one of two parallel branches. 根据审阅者作出的响应,工作流沿两个并行分支之一继续。
- Workflows can incorporate parallel branches, but ultimately they progress from the initial action to the final action. 工作流可以并入并行分支,但是最终它们会从初始操作前进到最终操作。
- Having erect and almost parallel branches tapering toward the top,as in the Lombardy poplar. 帚状的伦巴第白杨树等的枝条挺直,几乎平行,且向顶端逐渐变细的
- He learned to multiply at the age of five. 他五岁学会做乘法。
- Profit multiply in the boom year. 兴旺之年利润增长。
- The company has branch out into car leasing. 该公司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。
- Change the layer type on the Multiply. 层类型设置为叠加。
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。
- Show that paralleled branches and tandem branches may be replaced by equivalent graphs as shown below. 证明并联分支和串连分支可以用下图所示的等价图代替。
- Change the new layer type on Multiply also. 将新图层的样式也更改为叠加。
- The branch was sticking up out of the water. 树枝直挺挺地伸出水面。