- multiplying potentiometer 乘法电位计
- Changzhou Wujin Spike Potentiometer Factory? 常州市武进斯贝克电位器厂?
- Mistakes have been multiplying rapidly. 错误一直在快速增多。
- In electronics,the moveable arm of a potentiometer. 在电子学中,电位器的滑动臂。
- One can make 18 by multiplying 3 and 6 (together). 以3和6相乘可得18。
- Growing or multiplying like plants. 繁衍的,广泛生长的象植物那样生长或繁殖的
- Lead in Trimmer Potentiometer elements. 电位整理器元件所含的铅。
- Mistakes have been multiplying rapidly . 错误一直在快速增多。
- Returns the last number of this multiplying itself. 取得质数筛内第末个数自己乘自己的结果.
- Stuffed alpacas are multiplying. 羊驼的填充玩具在增多。
- Multiplying telpher, we entered desert. 今天是内蒙之旅的最后一天,我们要去赫 赫有名的响沙湾。乘着缆车,我们进入了沙漠。
- The population of the city is multiplying rapidly. 该市人口正迅速地增加.
- In electronics, the moveable arm of a potentiometer. 在电子学中,电位器的滑动臂。
- Digital potentiometer sensitivity adjustment and breakage location. 数字电位器调节灵敏度及断针位置显示。
- The result obtained by multiplying a quantity by a percent. 成数通过增加一个百分比的数而得到的结果
- Dimensions for mounting a potentiometer on a PC board. 在PC板安装时的规范安装开孔尺寸。
- Communication and entertainment features are multiplying. 通讯和娱乐功能也在迅速增加。
- Lead in cermet-based trimmer potentiometer elements. 合金陶瓷调整电位计部件中的铅。
- There is no harm in multiplying it by the constant 1/(1-y). 乘以常数1/(1-y)没有妨碍。
- We now turn to another example, that of bacteria multiplying. 现在我们再看个细菌繁殖的例子。