- System bus error or mouse error. 总线或鼠标故障。
- multiprocessing system bus 多处理机系统总线
- Two processors share the same main meory, forming a multiprocessing system. 两个处理器分享同一个主存,形成了多重处理系统。
- A software flag, by which processors in a multiprocessing system interrupt each other. 一种软件标志,在多处理机系统中,处理机之间可以根据这种标志相互中断。
- Faster system bus speeds than previous generations for increased throughput. 比前代产品更快的系统总线速度,可显著提高吞吐率。
- Multiprocessing system is a computer system employing two or more interconnected processing units to execute programs. 多重处理系统是一种计算机系统,是用两个或多个相互连接的处理器,同时执行多个程序。
- It has a CPU, memory, a system bus, and various input/output interfaces. 它有CPU;记忆体;系统汇流排和各种输入/输出介面.
- The communication path called system bus organizes these blocks around. 被称为系统总线的通信路径将各块组织在一起。
- A software flag,by which processors in a multiprocessing system interrupt each other. 一种软件标志,在多处理机系统中,处理机之间可以根据这种标志相互中断。
- The pre-2.6 scheduler also used a single runqueue for all processors in a symmetric multiprocessing system (SMP). 在对称多处理系统(SMP)中,2.;6 版本之前的调度器对所有的处理器都使用一个运行队列。
- Sequential execution of instructions by a processing unit or independent use of a processing unit in a multiprocessing system. 用一个处理机顺序执行指令,或在多处理机系统中独立使用一个处理机
- The system bus is divided into three logical functions; the address bus, the data bus and the control bus. 系统总线的功能在逻辑上被划分为三部分:地址总线、数据总线和控制总线。
- On multiprocessing systems, each processor can handle a separate task. 多重处理系统,每个处理器可以处理一项独立的工作。
- The system bus is divided into three logical functions: the address bus,the data bus and the control bus. 系统总线的功能在逻辑上被划分为三部分:地址总线、数据总线和控制总线。
- Parallel computation is definitely one of the objectives in designing multiprocessing systems. 并行计算肯定是设置多处理系统的目的之一。
- Connection signal to an engine governor, to force the generator set to synchronize to the system bus. 同步器是用来监测两个电压源之间的相位关系的电子设备,它向发动机调速器发出信号,以促使发电机组与系统母排能够同步。
- The trend in hardware has been towards more than one system bus, each serving a small set of processors. 硬件已经趋向使用多条系统总线,每条系统总线为一小组处理器提供服务。
- But they also greatly increase the amount of data flowing between peripherals and the system CPU over the system bus. 但是他们同样很大的提高了外围设备与处理器之间在系统总线上传输的数据量。
- Crossbar switch is significant to the expansion of system bus and interconnection of multi processors. 交叉开关对于系统总线的扩展以及多处理器之间的互连都有很重要的意义。
- It is essentially the extension of a multiprocessing system in that the main processors may be at different sets and that each node in the network is an autonomous entity as equal as other processors . 从本质上讲,这种计算机网络是多重处理系统的一种扩展,这是因为各主处理机可以位于不同的地点,而且网络中的每个网点,正如其他处理机一样是一个独立的实体。