- It was shown that multispectral imaging using LCTF can be used to monitor plant stress. 结果显示利用液晶调变式滤光片的光谱图像确实可用来监测植物所受的环境压力。
- This result comes from multispectral imaging data gathered in January 2008 by MESSENGER,the latest spacecraft to visit the sun's innermost planet. 这个结论来源于MESSENGER---最新的探索太阳系最深处的一架宇宙飞船;于2008年1月所收集的多光谱成像的图片资料.
- The international Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) was designed by SSTL to provide wide swath multispectral imaging of any part of the world every day. 国际灾难监测卫星(DMC)是英国萨里卫星技术有限公司(SSTL)所设计的,可以每天提供世界任何地方的宽覆盖多光谱成像。
- Multispectral imaging techniques providing additional useful spectral information in common pathological samples are used for image acquisition. 论文采用了一种新颖的多光谱成像技术,所采集的图像可以提供更多反映物质特性的光谱信息。
- An energy minimization method which can fuse panchromatic image and multispectral image is proposed. 提出了一种融合全色图像和光谱图像的方法即能量最小化方法,能量主要由两个部分组成。
- The objective of this study is to build tree models using LiDAR data and aerial multispectral images. 本研究目的为利用空载光达点云资料以及多光谱影像,萃取立木参数并建置树木模型。
- A new multispectral image acquisition system based on liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF) is proposed. 提出了一种新的基于液晶可调谐滤光片(LCTF)的多光谱图像采集系统。
- A method of fusing remotely sensed multispectral images with aerophotograph digitized image respectively is discussed in this paper. 探讨了采用HIS变换对遥感多光谱影像与航片数字化影像进行融合的方法。
- A lossless compression method based on SPIHT and inter-band correlation prediction was presented for MODIS multispectral images. 提出一种结合波段相关性判定和SPIHT编码的方法对MODIS多光谱图像进行无损压缩。
- When high-resolution optical multispectral image is used for SAR image fusion,its spatial component should be extracted first. 使用光学多光谱遥感图像对雷达图像进行空间增强,需要从光学多光谱图像中提取其空间分量。
- An improved partial SPIHT with classified weighted rate-distortion optimization for interferential multispectral image compression[J]. 引用该论文 王柯俨;李云松;孔繁锵;吴成柯;Keyan Wang;Chengke Wu;Fanqiang Kong;Lei Zhang.
- A method based on wavelet transform is described to enhance a multispectral image by merging with a relatively high spatial resolution image. 本文针对多光谱图象的增强问题,提出了一种基于小波变换理论的融合增强方法。
- Multispectral imaging spectrometer 多光谱成像
- The CTBT satellite nuclear test verification and a crop assessment could be carried out by use of multispectral image of particular area in different period. 选择特定地区不同时相的多光谱图像进行聚类分析,可以实现卫星核查和作物估产等应用目的和要求。
- In order to store MODIS multispectral images effectively, a new hybrid compression algorithm based on optimal inter-band prediction and integer wavelet transform is proposed. 为有效存储MODIS多光谱图像数据,该文提出一种基于谱间预测和整数小波变换的多光谱图像压缩算法。
- This method improves a standard wavelet merger for merging the lower frequency coponents of a multispectral image and its relatively high spatial resolution image. 它将高空间分辨率的全色图象和多光谱图象经小波变换后的低频分量进行融合,改进了传统基于小波变换理论的增强方法。
- By analyzing two characteristics of an interference multispectral image data, a compression algorithm based on adaptive classification and curve-fitting is proposed. 分析了干涉多光谱图像数据的两个特性, 并提出一种基于自适应分类曲线拟合的压缩算法。
- On your behalf, Biro hires the Luminere Technology Laboratory in Paris to use a special digital scanner to make multispectral images of the work, showing its various layers. 以您的名义,比罗聘在巴黎的Luminere技术实验室使用一个特殊的数字扫描仪,使工作的多光谱图像,显示其不同的层次。
- However, the data volume of multispectral images is so huge that it makes its storage and communication very difficult.Therefore, it is necessary to compress the HSI data. 然而,多(超)光谱图像数据量巨大,给图像存储和传输带来了极大困难,因此要对多(超)光谱图像进行有效压缩。
- To adequately take advantage of the high spectral resolution of multispectral images and the high spatial resolution of panchromatic images, multisensor data fusion technique has been proposed in remote sensing image processing. 为了更充分地发挥这两类遥感图像数据的价值,人们利用两类数据的互补性,将多传感器融合技术引进了遥感图像处理领域。