- musculi platysma [医] 颈阔肌
- Injuries in zone II not penetrating the platysma need no further examination. 对于II区没有穿通颈阔肌的穿通伤,没有进一步检查,继续观察;
- The depressor anguli oris muscle depress the corner of the mouth, the mentalis muscles pulls the lower lip out, and the platysma depresses the mandible. 降鼻翼肌可将嘴角下拉,颏肌可让下唇向外伸展,颈阔肌可使下颔下移。
- Method:Ten patients with hypopharynx stenosis underwent hypopharynx reconstruction using platysma pedicle flap. 方法:对本组10例下咽腔瘢痕狭窄患者应用带蒂颈阔肌肌皮瓣转移行下咽腔重建术。
- Objective To study immediately repairing of the buccal defect with platysma musculocutaneous flap. 目的探讨颈阔肌肌皮瓣即刻整复颊癌术后颊部缺损的临床效果。
- Conclusion The parameters can be used as the basic elements in the diagnosing the musculi diseases. 结论提供正常胸大、小肌声像图的形态、大小、肌肉的回声,正常胸大肌的超声图像及数值,可作为病变诊断的基础参数。
- The abdomen is anxious, is you contracts the musculi abdominis to create intentionally, why can you like this? 腹部紧张,是你故意收缩腹肌造成的,你为什么要这样呢?”
- Conclusion The partial excision of musculi puborectalis is the method which h... 结论耻骨直肠肌部分切除术治疗耻骨直肠肌综合征方法简便,疗效好,并发症少。
- Objective:To explore the value of laryngeal functional reconstruction with pedunculated musculocutaneous flap of platysma after partial laryngectomy. 目的:探讨颈前带蒂肌皮瓣(任意和巨形)在喉部分切除中重建喉功能的效果。
- Platysma myocutaneous flap seems to be suitable because of its good color match, thinness and pliability of the skin flap. 阔颈肌肉皮瓣也是其中一种,优点在于它的颜色相近,厚度够薄以及皮瓣的顺从性。
- Circumferential defect of cervical esophagus reconstructed with bilateral platysma myocutaneous flaps is a new method designed by ourselves. 颈阔肌皮瓣重建颈段食管缺损是自行设计的新手术方法。
- Non-monotone curve of the musculi skeleti is divided into two parts at the turning point between monotone increasing and monotone decreasing. 在骨骼肌非单调变化曲线的单调增与单调减变化的转折点处分段,分别建立灰模型。
- Methods 8 cases of the buccal defect had been repaired with platysma musculocutaneous flap vascularized by external maxillary artery. 方法采用以颌外动脉作为供血的颈阔肌肌皮瓣修复颊癌术后颊部缺损8例。
- Objective To diagnose the diseases of musculi pectoralis major,it is important to recognize the ultrasonic image of normal musculi. 目的正确识别健康人胸大肌声像图,为其病变诊断提供依据。
- Objective:To observe the application of platysma myocutaneous flaps (PMF)reconstructing esophagus in stenosis of cervical esophagus. 目的:探讨颈阔肌皮瓣在颈段食管狭窄重建术中的应用。
- Methods: 68 cases of children with RRTI were treated by Injection of Astragali as the musculi dorsi reactant and 51 cases by levamisole as control. 方法:68例RRTI患儿采用背肌反应物注射黄芪注射液治疗,并与左旋咪唑治疗51例进行疗效对比观察。
- A retrospective review of 33 patients undergoing platysma flap for lower facial reconstruction from 1990 to 2005 in NTUH was conducted. 回顾从1990到2005年台大医院总共有33位病人接受阔颈肌肉皮瓣重建下半部颜面缺陷的手术。
- Reconstruction of the intraoral defect caused by tongue cancer was done for a patient by using a platysma myocutaneous flap. 摘要本文描述一位舌癌切除的患者,以颈阔肌肌皮瓣予重建口内组织缺损。
- The purpose of this study is to review the viability and reliability of the platysma flap for lower facial reconstruction in our experience. 因此本篇研究就是要去回顾我们的经验中,利用阔颈肌肉皮瓣来重建下半部颜面缺陷的可行性以及可靠性。
- Objective: Utilising the platysma muscle flap (PMIF) to reconstruct intraoral defect resulted from surgical removal of oral tumor. 目的:应用颈阔肌岛状皮瓣一期整复口腔恶性肿瘤切除术后的组织缺损12例。