- The uniform looks like it belonged to a museum collection. 这件制服看起来象属于博物馆。
- The museum collection vividly portrays the heritage of 200 years of canals. 博物馆的藏品让运河200 年的历史再现眼前。
- Whyte Museum collection is archives, art, cultural heritage and built heritage. 主要收藏品为档案、艺术、文化传承及传统建筑。
- One that manages or oversees, as the administrative director of a museum collection or a library. 主任管理人或监督人,作为某一收藏品展览或图书馆的行政主管
- Takatada Taga. Writen by Sadanobu Matsudaira (1795). Tokyo National Museum collection. 多贺高忠像。松平定信作(江戸时代寛政七年)。东京国立博物馆蔵。
- Ayala Museum, Crossings: Philippine Art in the Singapore Art Museum Collection, Manila, 2004. 此时建立亚洲美术馆合作机制,可谓非常合时。
- The library was built in the Malay dynasty, after Portugal, the Netherlands, Britain and other colonial era, the museum collection of artifacts of many different periods, and public exhibition. 该馆建于马来王朝,历经葡萄牙、荷兰、英国等殖民时代,因此馆内收藏了许多各个时期的遗物,并公开展览。
- Garber Facility in Suitland, Md., under Amanda Young's careful watch are just some of the stars of her new book, "Spacesuits: The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Collection. 马里兰州的Suitland的服装设施,在阿曼达.;杨的仔细监管下就像她新书中的一些明星,“太空衣:Smithsonian国际太空博物馆的收藏。”
- In 1922, the headquarters of IOC and the Museum collections were moved to the Villa Mon Repos in Lausanne and stayed there for the next years. 1922年,国际奥委会的总部和博物馆的收藏品被转移到洛桑的蒙雷珀别墅,并从此在那里安顿下来。
- National Palace Museum collects gems of various dynasty and aulic cultural relics more than 900,000 pieces in total. 故宫博物院藏有历代珍宝和宫廷文物共计90多万件。
- New York Cloisters is a museum collecting works of art and architecture of the Middle Ages. 纽约克罗埃斯特博物馆是一个收藏中世纪建筑与艺术品的博物馆。
- The museum collects many Olympic and Olympic Sailing Regatta cultural heritages. 馆内收藏了大量的奥运会和奥帆赛文化遗产。
- Enamel color pipe brush, which is national treasure, museum collected with painting of flower and birds, Chia-Ching seal, government kiln products. 藏品描述:珐琅彩,花鸟管笔,国宝,馆藏级,嘉庆款,官窑制品。
- Chen-Long dynasty black powder colors twining stem and open space with enamel colors tea pat which is rare, museum collected, govenment kiln products. 藏品描述:乾隆期,墨彩缠枝,珐琅彩开光把壶,罕见馆藏级,官窑制品。
- In 1922, the IOC headquarters and the Museum collections were moved to the Villa Mon Repos in Lausanne and stayed there for the next 46 years. 然而顾拜旦并未泄气,1894年6月23日,他在巴黎索邦大学的一个典礼上成立了国际奥林匹克委员会。
- Museum collections holding potential mystery-ape evidence will be examined, including those in Hanoi, Jianshi, Beijing and Frankfurt. 将观察可能存在神秘猿类证据的博物馆藏品,包括在河内的、建始的、北京的以及法兰克福的。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum. 这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。
- Basikeer old Shu Hete and Fogg have successively in 1940 and passed away early 1950, when the theatre has been converted into museum collections and vegetables can send BU Museum. 巴斯科尔、老舒赫特和佛格都先后于1940年和1950年初期过世,当时的剧院现在已经改装成蔬菜罐收藏馆和卜派博物馆。
- I must admit I am very fond of collect rare book. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。