- musk melon seed 甜瓜子
- And a vegetable and melon seed and seedling cultivation base. 蔬瓜种子种苗基地。
- Is eating melon seed still very it is good to eat earthnut why? 吃瓜子好还是吃花生好为什么?
- Alwin: Ah my little sugar-candy. Oh, my little melon seed. 阿尔文:呀,我的小糖果。噢,我的小瓜子哦。
- Give me a beer and some melon seeds, please. 请给我一瓶啤酒和一些瓜子。
- According to the biological characteristics of musk melon and temperature accumulation principle,greenhouse musk melon seedling growth and development model is simulated and validated after 12 experiments in greenhouse. 根据甜瓜生物学特点与积温学原理,经过12次温室内试验,建立并验证了温室甜瓜苗期有效积温与基质水分双因子驱动的生长发育模拟模型。
- A second important consequence of the collision was major strike slip faulting, facilitating the tectonic "escape" of China like a squeezed melon seed. 碰撞的第二个重要结果是主要的平移断层,它促进了中国构造的逃离,就象一颗被挤出的西瓜籽。
- We played checkers and ate melon seeds and peanuts all night. 我们整个晚上都在下西洋棋,吃瓜子和花生。
- The girls were eating away at the melon seeds, chatting. 姑娘们一边聊天,一边在津津有问地嗑着瓜子。
- The girls were eating away at the melon seeds,chatting. 姑娘们一边聊天,一边在津津有问地嗑着瓜子。
- Application:Melon seeds,Nutlet,Fruitjelly,Aquatic product,etc. 用途:瓜子、果仁、果冻、高级水产品等。
- Here are candies, peanuts, melon seeds and fruits. Help yourself. 这儿有糖,花生,瓜子儿、水果,你随便吃啊。
- Transient species such as the yellow croaker and melon seed, typically found off northern China and Japan, bolster the resident marine fauna when the monsoonal flow brings in cooler waters. 此外,还有一些基本上在中国北部及日本水域出没的过境品种,诸如黄花鱼及瓜核鱼,这些鱼类随着较凉的季节性水流来港,令该段时间本港的海洋动物数量大增。
- When he arrived back, Tigress was cracking melon seeds to distract herself. 回到家中,虎妞正在屋里嗑瓜子儿解闷呢。
- The Causes and Preventive Measures of Bacterial Wilt in Musk melon 厚皮甜瓜细菌性枯萎病发生原因及防治措施
- Transient species such as the yellow croaker and melon seed,typically found off northern China and Japan,bolster the resident marine fauna when the monsoonal flow brings in cooler waters. 此外,还有一些基本上在中国北部及日本水域出没的过境品种,诸如黄花鱼及瓜核鱼,这些鱼类随着较凉的季节性水流来港,令该段时间本港的海洋动物数量大增。
- The Technique of Musk melon Commodity Production in Xinjiang 新疆甜瓜商品生产技术
- Select the purely natural green melon seed for use, through the craft choice, adopt legendary craft of making, circulate the modern wonderful taste, nutritious, the taste is unique, the best companion of your recreation. 产品说明:选用纯天然绿色瓜子,经过手工精选,采用传奇的炒制工艺,融进现代的美妙口味,营养丰富,口味独特,是您休闲时光的最佳伴侣。
- There are even melon seeds growing in the crates used to hold earth at home! 家里的土筐里竟然长出了瓜秧。