- The redhead sprang from a mutated gene in Europe thousands of years ago. 几千年前的欧洲,红头发的人因为基因变异的关系凭空出现。
- But keep in mind that the scientists say this mutated gene may be rare. 但是让人记住的是,科学家说这种突变基因可能是罕见的。
- Yellow bettas are also called Non-red (NR) Bettas. This mutated gene causes the alteration of red pigment to yellow. 黄斗鱼又称为非红斗鱼,基因的突变让红色素转黄。
- Yellow bettas are also called Non-red( NR) Bettas. This mutated gene causes the alteration of red pigment to yellow. 黄斗鱼又称为非红斗鱼,基因的突变让红色素转黄。
- And the haplotype that includes the mutated gene will likewise get whittled down with each subsequent recombination. 每一次染色体重组,包含了突变基因的单纯型也会越来越短。
- But keep a in mind that the scientists say this mitotic mutated gene maybe may be rare. 但请注意,科学家称这种变化的基因是罕见的。
- But keep at in mind that the scientists say this nutation mutated gene may be rare. 但记住科学家说的,这种突变基因是非常稀少的。
- Choosing varieties that have this mutated gene can provide on average three-fold higher levels of provitamin A, the researchers said. 研究人员表示:从含有这个突变基因的品种中选择能提供平均3倍更高水平的维他命原A.
- In this study, the researchers focused on how mifepristone influences the way the mutated gene functions in tissue, using mice with the rodent version of the mutated gene. 在这项研究中,科研人员用有变异的基因信息的啮齿动物老鼠进行研究,该研究专注于米非司酮是如何影响变异的基因在组织中的功能的。
- Some of the patient's mutated genes appeared to promote cancer growth. 一些变异基因的出现加速了癌细胞的生长。
- The team found far more mutated genes in tumor cells than they had expected. 该小组在肿瘤细胞中发现了比他们期望多得多的突变基因。
- A classical genetic approach, where one starts with a mutation phenotype and works toward identifing the mutated gene. 研究突变表型以确定突变基因的传统遗传学方法。
- Insertional mutagenesis is a method for identifying genes by using the integration of DNA as the mutagen, thereby facilitating the cloning of the mutated gene. 插入突变是一种通过外源DNA整合的方式来获得突变体,并克隆得到对应突变基因的方法。
- Progesterone stimulates the development of tumors when the mutated gene is present because it accelerates cell division, but mifepristone interfered with a process needed for progesterone to spur the division of cells, the study found. 研究发现当变异的基因呈现时,黄体酮刺激肿瘤的生长,因为它能加速细胞分化,但米非司酮干扰需要黄体酮进行分化的细胞的形成过程。
- The other mutated genes seemed to be tumor suppressors, the body's natural defense against dangerous genetic mistakes. 其他的基因突变可以抑制肿瘤,是人体对抗因基因突变而产生危险的天然防御机制。
- Even within each type of cancer, each tumor had its own distinct collection of mutated genes. 就是每一种癌症中,每一种肿瘤类型有其自身不同的突变基因集合。
- The scientists measured mutations in the P53 gene,the most frequently mutated gene in human cancer. 科学家们对P53基因的突变体进行了测量,该基因是人类患癌症时最经常发生突变的基因。
- The scientists measured mutations in the p53 gene, the most frequently mutated gene in human cancer. 科 学 家 们 对 P53基 因 的 突 变 体 进 行 了 测 量 , 该 基 因 是 人 类 患 癌 症 时 最 经 常 发 生 突 变 的 基 因 。
- Ealuating Boolean logic equations inside cells, these molecular automata will detect anything from the presence of a mutated gene to the actiity of genes within the cell. 评价细胞内布尔逻辑方程式,这些自动装置会自动监测细胞的一切变化,从基因变异到细胞内基因活动。
- Insertional mutagenesis is a method for identifying genes by using the integration of DNA as the mutagen,thereby facilitating the cloning of the mutated gene. 插入突变是一种通过外源DNA整合的方式来获得突变体,并克隆得到对应突变基因的方法。