- mutual and equitable benefit [法] 平等互利
- They are always prompt and equitable in settling claims. 他们总是迅速而公正地解决索赔。
- The factory carries out the tenet of mutual benefit, honesty, trustiness and the spirit of opening actively all the time and also has win the market with qualified products, excellent service and equitable price. 我厂一惯奉行互惠互利、诚实守信和积极开拓的精神,以优质的产品、优良的服务、公平的价格赢得市场。
- The Reeducation through Labor should be opening and equitable. 最终做到劳动教养制度的公开、公正。
- It also includes statutory, common law and equitable claims. 争议还包括依据法令、习惯法和衡平法提出的索赔。
- National Biodiversity Authority will ensure that the benefit shared with the community from whom the materials have been collected is fair and equitable. 国家生物多样性管理局将确保从已收集到材料的社区的利润分配是公正和平等的。
- We hope to usher in a more secure, stable, peaceful and equitable world order. 我们希望创立一个更为安全、稳定、和平与平等的国际秩序。
- True love is acceptance, committal, mutual and without any post conditions. 真爱是承诺,是义务,是相互的并不带有任何条件的。
- Microsoft is committed to resolving this case in a fair and equitable manner. 微软会致力以公平的方式尽快解决有关问题。
- I believe the measure will redound to our mutual benefit and reputation. 我相信这项措施将有助於我们共同的利益和名誉。
- Love is of three varieties : unselfish,mutual and ordinary or selfish. 爱有三种:无私的爱,相互的、平凡的爱和自私的爱。
- In a fully loving relationship, mutuality and trust are the themes. 在一个真正的爱情里,两情相悦、互相信任是主旋律。
- Procedures concerning the enforcement of intellectual property rights shall be fair and equitable. 知识产权的执法程序应公平合理。
- To consolidate and strengthen co-operation in multilateral fora on issues of mutual and international concern. 二、巩固和加强两国在多边机制内就双方和国际关注的问题开展的合作。
- These representatives will promptly meet and negotiate in good faith to reach a fair and equitable settlement. 这些代表应该立即接触并诚意协商已达成公正的解决方案。
- We have reached a critical juncture in efforts to create a more open and equitable global trading system. 我们现在正处在努力建立一个更加开放和公正的全球贸易体系的关键时刻。
- I hope the trade between us will be further developed on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我希望我们之间的贸易将在平等互利的基础上进一步发展。
- The BIS Annual Report showed that it was a combination of mutual and hedge funds that pulled out of Asia as well as the sharp reversal of bank lending that did the true damage. 国际结算银行年报显示,亚洲经济所受到的真正损害,是由互惠基金和对冲基金纷纷撤离亚洲,以及银行贷款趋势急剧逆转造成的。
- We pledge personal respect, fair compensation and honest and equitable treatment. 我们保证尊重个人,提供合理的报酬,真诚而公平的对待每个人。
- My friend and I have mutual enthusiasm for music. 我和我的朋友对音乐有着共同的爱好。