- The lack of mutual legal assistance arrangements between jurisdictions at the time was obviously a major factor. 主要原因是由于在当时的若干司法管辖区之间仍然缺乏相互的法律程序安排。
- Mutual legal assistance can cut through red tape to collect the evidence needed to catch the guilty and recover stolen assets. 司法协助能够打破繁文缛节以收集捉拿罪犯和追回被盗资产所需的证据。
- Viet Nam has been working hard on signing mutual legal assistance treaties on human trafficking with neighbouring and regional countries. 越南始终在不懈地力争与邻国及区域各国签署相互法律协助反拐协议。
- The case has illustrated that mutual legal assistance is an important mechanism through which jurisdiction can work together to effectively suppress transnational crime. 个案说明了不同的司法管辖区也可藉著相互法律协助这个重要机制,通力合作,以遏止跨国罪行。
- We pursue these cases in accordance with the provisions under the Hong Kong Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters Ordinance and the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. 所有这些案子的取证及引渡程序,廉署都是根据香港刑事事宜相互法律协助条例和逃犯条例下的有关规定进行。
- The Hong Kong SAR Government has thus far signed 21 bilateral agreements on mutual legal assistance, and 16 agreements on surrender of fugitive offenders. 香港特区政府已就相互法律协助签订21份双边协定,亦订定了16份移交逃犯协定。
- The Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement signifies our joint commitment to fighting international crime and to continued close cooperation in matters of criminal justice and international law enforcement. 我们签署的司法协助协议,正好证明两地抱着同一决心,共同打击国际犯罪活动,并且继续就刑事司法和国际法的执行保持紧密合作。
- I am happy to note that the Hong Kong-Korea relationship has recently taken another step forward with the signing of a Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement and the mutual extension of visa-free period. 最近,香港与韩国签署了一份司法协助协议,并且互相给予两地旅游人士延长免签证期,两地的关系又迈进一大步,实在令人欣喜。
- Information that is confidential in nature or is subject to any form of legal protection requires the compulsive nature of the mutual legal assistance process to gain access to it. 一些本身被列为机密,又或受不同形式的法律保护而须保密的资料,便需借助相互法律协助程序的强制特性才可取得。
- Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties 法律互助条约
- * extend our network of bilateral agreements with other administrations on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. 跟更多地方的政府订立有关刑事相互法律协助的双边协定。
- Structural Analysis of the Scope of China's Inter-territorial Mutual Legal Assistance 中国区际司法协助范围结构分析
- extend our network of bilateral agreements with other administrations on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. 跟更多地方的政府订立有关刑事相互法律协助的双边协定。
- How Do You Get Legal Assistance? 怎样获得法律协助?
- A: How do we get legal assistance? 我们怎样得到法律援助?
- mutual legal assistance 相互司法协助; 司法互助
- Legal assistance is most commonly used to secure payment of unpaid fees. 法律援助常用作未支付费用的担保。
- A lesser degree will get you status as a clerk or legal assistant. 在较小程度上会干掉你的地位,作为一个秘书或律师助理。
- This scheme provides legal assistance to applicants whose financial resources exceed the ceiling stipulated in the Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme but do not exceed $471,600. 法律援助辅助计划的对象,是财务资源超过普通法律援助计划的经济上限而又不超出471,600元的人士。
- They employ twenty- six highly qualified legal assistant. 他们雇用了26个很合格的法律帮手。