- My next door neighbour gives me the bellyache, he has never a kind word for anyone. 我的隔壁邻居使我厌烦,他从未对人说过一句好话。
- My next door neighbour gives me the bellyache,he has never a kind word for anyone. 我的隔壁邻居使我厌烦,他从未对人说过一句好话。
- 3. My next door neighbour gives me the bellyache, he has never a kind word for anyone. 我的隔壁邻居使我厌烦,他从未对人说过一句好话。
- my next door neighbour 我的隔壁邻居
- Joy and sorrow is next door neighbour. 快乐忧虑,隔壁邻居。
- I stand outside chatt with my next door neighbor. 我站在外面和隔壁邻居聊天。
- Mr.Smith is my next door neighbor. 史密斯先生是我的隔壁邻居。
- The next door neighbour enjoys repairing his fence with his HiFi. 邻居乐颠颠地开着音响修篱笆。
- I seldom see my next door neighbors. 我很少看到邻家的人。
- I stand outside chatting with my next door neighbor. 我站在外面和隔壁邻居聊天。
- Our next door neighbour is a real nosy parker. He always has to know everything about everybody on our street. 我们隔壁的邻居真是个包打听,这条街上所有住户的事他都想知道。
- Joy and sorrow and next door neighbours. 欢乐与悲伤是近邻。
- Our next door neighbour is a real noesy parker.He always has to know everything about everybody on our street. 我们隔壁的邻居真是个包打听,这条街上所有住户的事他都想知道。
- When I was a young teenager I used to babysit my next door neighborhood's son. 当我还是青少年时,曾担任邻居小孩的保姆。
- All it takes is to say hello to the next door neighbour or for a friend to visit the house, and the child bursts into a desperate and embarrassing weeping session, difficult to placate. 在此之前,有时只是要孩子跟隔壁的邻居或来访的朋友打声招呼而已,孩子会突然的嚎淘大哭,难以安抚。
- very close neighbour; next door neighbour 逼邻
- You see, our next door neighbours are Bishop Fleming and his lovely wife, the French poodle. 知道吗,我们的隔壁就是弗莱明主教和他的爱妻:那只法国鬈毛狗。
- being a friend of mine ( a friend of his,my next - door neighbour,my teacher of English,my assistant ) 成为我的朋友(他的朋友,我的邻居,我的英语老师,我的助手)
- Being a friend of mine ( a friend of his, my next - door neighbour, my teacher of English, my assistant ) 成为我的朋友(他的朋友,我的邻居,我的英语老师,我的助手)