- myriad things foster “万物化生”
- Spring is the season which myriad things recover. 春天是一个万物复苏的季节。
- Is symbolizing the world myriad things, is "law of the universe". 象征着天地万物,是“宇宙之定律”。
- Leaving myriad things refreshed, leaving the years gleamed. 西风疏雨过苍洱,泽润物华岁月新。
- Has ten thousand, lets the myriad things connection become closer. 拥有万得,让万物连接变得更加紧密。
- Fly bird,cool breeze,ocean waves,Even the national myriad things are praising the god with their wonderful music. 飞鸟,清风,海浪,自然界的万物不都在用美妙动听的歌声赞美造物主吗?
- Nature is a gift from Heaven, with bountiful beauty and the source of myriad things. 自然是天赐的礼物,她美丽、富饶并且养育着万物。
- The myriad things rely on it for their life but do not distinguish it.It brings to completion but cannot be said to exist. 万物恃之以生而不辞,功成而不有。
- I always hoped experiences a time cold weather the feeling, that kind of world myriad things all coagulate the feeling, as if the time all froze. 我一直盼望体验一次天寒地冻的感觉,那种天地万物都凝固的感觉,似乎时间都冻结了。
- In society myriad things great vast, if to be lovelorn wants to end life which was in deep sorrow, without doubt was stupid. 世间的万物博大浩淼,如果为了失恋而痛不欲生的想结束生命的话,无疑是愚蠢的。
- And has practiced one kind positively“and nurtures take the myriad things”as the main characteristic ecological agriculture pattern. 并积极实践了一种以“万物并育”为主要特点的生态农业模式。
- The Mt.Nan North Sea, has bred ancient quan zhen jiao cultural and the shanhai culture, formed the mountain to carry the myriad things, the Hiner hundred Sichuan's humane spirits. 南山北海,孕育了古老的全真文化和山海文化,形成了山载万物,海纳百川的人文精神。
- Wang Qing yu said that Shamanism is the humanity is in the ignorant time, produces one kind thought the myriad things all have mystical powers primitive religion. 王青煜说,萨满教是人类处于蒙昧时期,所产生的一种认为万物皆有灵的原始宗教。
- Mother of the earth breeds the myriad things essence, if the cultivation health's plant, must from cultivate first contains the organic matter archery target soil start richly. 大地之母孕育万物精华,若要培育健康的植物,必须先从培育富含有机物质的土壤开始。
- The multi-level universal myriad things all live, roam and evolve in the omnipotence ”water” of Qimu, which can't run to the outside of Heaven, therefore the universe is infinite and close. 多层次宇宙万物皆是在炁母的万能之“水”中生息、遨游、演化,哪个也不会跑到天外去,所以宇宙是无限而封闭的。
- He held that nature is both material and spirit, both human and godly; and that humans would ultimately realize their life values and disentangle their soul by combining with myriad things. 他认为自然既具有物质性,又具有精神性;既富有人性,又富有神性;人类将由亲证自然万物、与万物相结合而实现人生的价值和灵魂的最终解脱。
- Self-cultivation for cosmic balance is a return to a central cosmogonic state of primary and generative chaos (hundun) out of which emerge the myriad things in cycles of Yin and Yang. 自我修养对宇宙平衡来说就是指回到天体演化最初的混沌状态,从中出现了许多事物处于阴阳两极循环中。
- Qimu is “so great without the outside, so small without the inside”, is the strange matter of a body gathering the infinity and the infinitesimal, the mother of the myriad things. 炁母“其大无外,其小无内”,是集无限大与无限小于一身的奇异物质,万物之母。
- A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind. 无数想法划过她的心头。