- mysathenia gravis crisis 重症肌无力危象
- Objiective To introduce the nursing experience of myasthenia gravis crisis after thymectomy. 目的:介绍重症肌无力患者胸腺切除术后并发肌无力危象的护理体会。
- Objective To explore the rescure and nursing of myasthenia gravis crisis to improve the cure rate. 目的总结重症肌无力危象救治经验,提高其抢救成功率。
- Method 7 cases of clinical data about myasthenia gravis crisis after thymectomy were retrospected and analyzed. 方法:回顾并分析胸腺切除术后并发肌无力危象7例临床资料。
- Keywords mysathenia gravis;double filtration plasmapheresis;actylchline ceopepfe anfibody; 重症肌无力;双重滤过血浆置换;乙酰胆碱受体抗体;
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis. 经济萧条紧随着石油危机而来。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。
- She's always to the fore at moments of crisis. 她在危急关头总是挺身而出。
- The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis. 该工业受到能源危机的影响。
- Keywords myasthenia gravis;thymectomy;myasthenia gravis crisis;perioperative management; 关键词重症肌无力;胸腺切除;肌无力危象;围手术期处理;
- I was on the sidelines during the political crisis. 在这一政治危机时期我是目睹一切的局外人。
- They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis. 他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。
- She always stay cool, calm and collect in a crisis. 她在危难时总是很冷静、镇定如常、泰然自若。
- The crisis put his courage and skill to the test. 这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。
- Thymoma, myasthenia gravis crisis complicated with bacterial endocarditis and severe incompetence of mitral valve: A case report 胸腺瘤、重症肌无力危象合并细菌性心内膜炎、二尖瓣重度关闭不全一例报告
- Her best qualities come out in a crisis. 在危急关头显露出了她的优秀品质。
- We always hold together in times of crisis. 我们在危难中总是团结一致。
- The company was far gone in a crisis. 公司深陷於危机之中。
- She was able to keep her head in the crisis. 她在这次危机中保持了清醒的头脑。