- mythic archetypes 神话原型
- From the beginning there were Arcs and Archetypes. 从开始有了弧和原型。
- A novel of profound,almost mythic consequence. 一本具有深奥的、几乎是神话般结局的小说
- It is one of the mythic heroes of Greece, Perseus. 这个人却是希腊神话里的英雄珀尔修斯。
- But first, what is this mythic Rat Park? 但是首先,这个虚构的”老鼠乐园“到底是什么?
- Chapter III deals with the Biblical archetypes in these two novels. 第三章主要论述了圣经原型与这两部作品之间的平行对位关系。
- Scott of the Antarctic was a national hero of mythic proportions. 南极探险家斯科特是位赫赫有名的民族英雄。
- Li Luo Neng is a mythic source figure with many students. 李罗能是一个神话般的有许多学生的源头。
- The image might be a statue, a beautiful person, or a mythic beast. 该图像可能是一尊雕像,一个美丽的人,或一个神话般的野兽。
- What if Plato made up the story for mythic purposes? 如果柏拉图所写的只是个神话故事呢?
- Concerning the archetypes, with special reference to the anima concept. 关于原型,特别涉及阿尼玛概念。
- Many of the archetypes we now perceive in Yahweh have their origin in El. 我们现在从耶和华里面感知到的很多原型,都有来自于伊尔的起源。
- Spiritual leaders gather in Wesak Valley, a mythic place high in the Himalayas. 精神领导者聚集在卫塞谷,一块喜马拉雅山高地的神秘地方。
- A new rarity is introduced in the _Shards of Alara_ set: mythic rare. 而在_阿拉若断片_系列中,则引进了新的稀有度:秘稀。
- mythic archetype 神话原型
- Jung proposed and developed the concepts of the extroverted and introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. 容格被提议和发展外向型和内向型性格的观念,原型和集体无意识。
- RTS players will instantly recognize the different archetypes that are depicted within each of the factions. RTS玩家会马上认可不同的阵营反映了不同的玩家类型。
- These are your archetypes for awakening / remembering your mission - who you are - why you are here. 这些是为了唤醒你的原型/记起你的使命-你是谁-为什么你是在这里。
- Taking the slapstick route, he quarried for bits and shticks, not archetypes and myths. 本着打闹剧的戏路,他挖掘小角色与滑稽场面,而不是主题与神话。
- A mythic tale like this has no doubt added to the mystery of the hotspring and made it more attractive to tourists. 这个神话使黄山温泉平添神秘色彩和对游人的吸引力。