- mythology of westernregion 西域神话
- The book is about the mythologies of primitive races. 这本书是原始民族神话集。
- Chuvash dragons represent the pre-Islamic mythology of the same region. 楚瓦士龙描述是与相同宗教中的先伊斯兰教神话部分相同的。
- The mythologies of primitive races. 原始民族神话集。
- Japan continues to wallow in its own mythology of the Japanese as victims. 日本仍旧沉湎于自己是受害者的神话。
- His hero was firmly rooted in both the history and the mythology of the vanished frontier. 他扮演的角色建立于西部历史和消失了的新垦地的神话之中。
- A spirit of thunder, lightning, and rain in the form of a huge bird in the mythology of certain Native American peoples. 引起雷雨的巨鸟某些美洲土著民族神话中以一只巨鸟的形象出现的雷、闪电和雨的精灵
- The Course simply adds a mythology of the ego to illustrate the origins of the "dynamics" of fear. 奇迹课程只是增加了一个“小我的神话故事”来演绎恐惧的缘起和发展史。
- The elegant mythology of Homer gave a beautiful, and almost a regular form, to the polytheism of the ancient world. 荷马优雅的神话给古代世界的多神论提供了一个美丽并且规则的形式。
- The mythology of the Greeks and Romans, considered together. A vast part of Roman mythology, such as the system of gods, was borrowed from the Greeks. 古典神话:由希腊神话和罗马神话组成;其中罗马神话占大部分;像上帝这样的神话系统;都来自于希腊.
- Such descents are ascribed in the mythology of Hinduism to various gods, but those ascribed to Vishnu are by far the most important. 这样的下降归因于印度神话的各种不同的神,但这也归于毗瑟奴比其他神重要得多。
- We put inordinate amounts of energy into creating and maintaining the mythology of our tribe so that we can take vicarious pride in our tribe's good name. 我们付出大量的精力,制造与维持某个种群的神话,以便对这个种群的好名声持一股与有荣焉的骄傲感。
- Twist notes that we need to come to the place where we no longer fear money and can demystify the mythology of money that has dominated our human societies for thousands of years. 扭转我们需要来到地方我们不再恐惧金钱,并且可以解开金钱神秘神话控制了我们的人类社会数以万计几年的笔记。
- The game is introduced: Beckham mainly gets a penalty on behalf of England, creates mythology of football circles with " shellfish type tulwar " another! 游戏介绍:贝克汉姆代表英格兰队主罚点球,再用“贝式弯刀”创造一个足坛神话!
- They bring lightness and humour to a dark story of family secrets and rivalries that the director has mined from the imposing mythology of the Coppola family. 在家族恩怨勾心斗角的阴暗故事中他们带来了光明和幽默,导演从自己带有神话色彩的科波拉家族中发掘出的。
- Mythology of Kunlun and sun originated from the fact that Kunlun area was one of the human's birthpalces, and that the sun rises from the east and sets in the west. 昆仑神话和太阳神话本源于昆仑地区是人类的发祥地和太阳东升西落这两个“客观存在”。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。