- nail care preparation 保护指甲制剂
- Nancy Gregory, who works at Beauty nail care II at Medford's Rogue Valley Mall. 接下来的两个月是我涉足项目管理培训专业生涯中最困难的时间。
- Who are not able to hide their toenail discoloration under nail care polish? 作为国内期货业的知名机房工程,前些年在国内第一家推出期货程序化交易产品。
- Careful preparation for the exam is essential. 认真准备考试十分必要。
- The only down side to the game for Axminster carpet was the nail care sending off of winger Simon Howells. 品牌项目之一的'性知识大赛'今年将一改由数个代表队在台上参加的形式,举行人人均有机会参与的'猜灯谜'有奖活动。
- She stressed the importance of careful preparation. 她强调了认真准备的重要性。
- Oregon health officials say toxic chemicals in nail care products.For unsightly nail care, Xenna''s patented. 手机加香机是一种概念性的产品、塑造的是一种健康环保的高品味消费理念。
- What is needed is careful preparation. 需要的是认真仔细的准备。
- The 'bare look' in footwear creates a dilemma for many women who are hiding their unsightly toenails under nail care polish or are embarrassed by dry. 据该案的检察官表示,全国一级建造师执业资格考试是国家级考试,该考试各科目在启用前的试题、试卷(包括备用卷)、标准答案及评分标准均属于绝密级国家秘密。
- Any summit meeting should come at the end of careful preparation. 任何最高级会谈都必须在精心的准备之后举行。
- A bit further down the road, once www.daff.gov.au a r nail care stem is in place, Bromley plans to use 'French Fry Power' to fuel its fleet of diesel vehicles. 非常健康网有着来自中国营养协会、中华名医协会和中国保健协会的营养专家团队。
- He prefers making speeches after careful preparation. 他喜欢经认真准备后发言。
- Gaoxiang daily hardware factory specializing in the production of nail clippers and nail care, beauty household goods packaged series, stainless steel nail clippers series. 高翔日用五金厂专业生产指甲钳及指甲护理、美容户品套装系列、不锈钢系列指甲钳。
- Amid China's current pet boom, dog owners are flocking to pet beauticians to pamper their pets with services such as shampooing, hair trimming, nail care and hair dye. 由于中国目前的流行宠物美容,狗的主人都涌向宠物美容师,专为他们的宠物服务,如洗澡,修理毛发,指甲护理和毛发染色。
- He prefers making speeches after careful preparation . 他喜欢经认真准备后发言。
- This summer, women's footwear has combined 'gem-stone glam' with a barefoot look -and with all this attention on heels and nail care their appearance has to be perfect! 上周五,上海中期机房工程发布其程序化交易最新成果,包括趋势跟踪、反趋势震荡、波段交易和日内短线等在内的七大系列100多个程序化交易产品首度亮相,这意味着国内期货程序化交易迈上一个新台阶。
- The 'bare look' in footwear creates a dilemma for many women who are hiding their unsightly toenails under nail care polish or are embarrassed by dry, cracked heels. 实施简便 采用先进的嵌入式代码设计,只需在企业的网站页面上插入一段代码,即可实现机房建设的全部功能。
- CVS Healthy Hands Hand and Nail Care Lotion is designed with essential ingredients like Alpha Hydroxy, Keratin and Vitamin E that are specific for your total hand and nail needs. 健康的CVS手手和指甲护理液的目的是与基本要素一样阿尔法羟基,角蛋白和维生素E是具体为您的总手和指甲的需要。
- The candidate gave a carefully prepared speech. 候选人发表了一篇精心准备的演讲。
- He forgot his carefully prepared opening remarks. 原来准备好的那一套开场白被他忘得一干二净。