- Becky Bristow: I think so, and I think a lot of animators I know are very childlike and innocent, because you have to have that sort of way of looking at things. 贝基-布里斯托:我想是的,而且我想我所认识的很多动画人都非常有童心,非常天真。因为你必须用这种方式看待事物。
- They trust us, they are childlike and they are innocent. 他们相信我们,他们是无知的也是无罪的。
- "Can you imagine a college graduate being that naive and innocent? “你想,一个大学毕业生会那样天真幼稚么?
- Can you imagine a college graduate being that naive and innocent? 你能想象一个大学毕业生会那样天真幼稚么?
- Her face was very beautiful in its sweet and innocent childishness. 她的脸很美,充满了可爱的天真与孩子气。
- Just keep it simple and innocent. 只要保持单纯就行了。
- Children are gay and innocent and heartless. 孩子们总是天真、快乐、又无情的。
- The teenage girls are very pretty and innocent. 十几岁正是女孩儿最清纯的年龄。
- Our life is simple and innocent. 我们的生活是单纯的、简朴的。
- The intense eyes that turned up to him were clear and innocent. 这对仰望着他的热情的眼睛清澈而天真。
- Her face is very beautiful in its sweet and innocent childishness. 她的脸很美,充满了可爱的天真与孩子气。
- She was so little, so baby-plump and innocent and sweet. 她是那么小,有着婴儿般丰满的身体、天真和恬静。
- White, pure and innocent, like a child who was mistreated and hurt. 白色,有点纯净而无辜的感觉,像个受了伤的委屈的孩子。
- Why do good and innocent people suffer terrible death? 为何那些无辜的好人也死得很惨?
- She seemed so young and innocent looking and pretty. 她显得这么年轻、天真、漂亮。
- Christ was sinless and innocent, yet was condemned to die. 基督是完全无罪和无辜的,却要被判死刑。
- All our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike and yet it is the most precious thing we have. 我们所有的科学,与现实比较,是原始的和纯稚的,这是我们拥有的最珍贵的东西。
- Works from a prodigal, prodigious imagination.Unsurpassed blends of the childlike and grownup. 他的作品充满了近乎奢侈的巨大的想象,融合了童真与成长。
- White,pure and innocent,like a child who was mistreated and hurd. 白色,有点纯净而无辜的感觉,想个受了伤的委屈孩子。
- Theodore Dreiser dramatizes the image of Sister Carrie--the representative of American bourgeoisie who is a famous actress before being a childlike and happy village girl. 作者德莱塞笔下所塑造的嘉莉妹妹这一小资产阶级代表 ,从一个纯真 ,快乐的农村姑娘变成一个名声赫赫的演员。