- The seller must carry out, where applicable, all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods to the named place of delivery at the frontier and for their transit through any country. 卖方必须在需要办理海关手续时办理货物出口并运至指定的边境交货地点以及从他国过境所需的一切海关手续。
- named place of delivery at frontier 边境上指定的交货地点
- named place of delivery 指定交货地点
- Absence of Provision for Place of Delivery The seller shall deliver the subject matter at the prescribed place. 第一百四十一条出卖人应当按照约定的地点交付标的物。
- The seller must contract at his own expense for the carnage of the goods to the named Place Of destination. 卖方必须自付费用订立运输合同,将货物运至指定目的地。
- "Delivery" shall mean, in respect of a Shipment, arrival of such Shipment at the applicable Place of Delivery. “交货”指就某批合同设备而言,该批合同设备运抵相关的交货地点。
- Select, in accordance with the Schedule of Requirements, CIF named port of destination or CIP border point or CIP named place of destination. 根据货物需求一览表指明目的港至岸价或指明口岸CIP价或指明目的地CIP价。
- It should be noted that the chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loading and unloading the goods at that place. 需要说明的是,交货地点的选择对于在该地点装货和卸货的义务会产生影响。
- Upon the arrival 0f the goods at the place of delivery the Buyers claim an allowance 0f USD 350 On account Of inferior quality. 货物运抵交付地点后,由于货物质量不佳,买方要求索赔350美元。
- Perfect. But what I'm concerned about most is the time of delivery. 完全正确。但我最关心的是交货时间。
- He has a crisp style of delivery. 他说话乾净俐落。
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他们终于到达了一个安全的地方。
- He likes to visit place of interest. 他喜欢参观名胜古迹。
- It should be noted that at CFR conditionality terms, but in order to clear where the burden of costs from discharge, place of delivery and risk of its boundary, there is no change. 应当指出,在CFR术语的附加条件,只是为了明确卸货费由何方负担,其交货地点和风险划分的界线,并无任何改变。
- Main place of delivery: Strathclyde Police, Transport and Logistics Department, 91 Meiklewood Road, Complex 2, Glasgow G51 4DU and various locations throughout Scottish Police Forces as required. 主要交货地点:斯特拉斯克莱德警方,运输和物流服务署, 91 Meiklewood道, 2区,格拉斯哥和G51 4DU各地苏格兰警察部队的要求。
- Sebastian became captain in place of Miles who had broken his leg. 迈尔斯的腿骨折了,塞巴斯蒂安代替他当了船长。
- If I remember correctly, time of delivery is another point on which we differ. 如果我没记错的话,交货时间是另一点我们有分歧的地方。
- A cinema is a place of entertainment. 电影院是个娱乐场所。
- She led the children to a place of safety. 她把孩子们领到一个安全的地方。
- The children were led to a place of safety. 孩子们被带到一个安全的地方。