- The travelers edged warily along the narrow road. 旅游者沿着狭窄的小路小心前行。
- The only access to their house is along that narrow road. 只有沿著那条狭窄的路走才能到达他们的房子。
- It was rather hairy driving down that narrow road. 在那条羊肠小道上驾车使人提心吊胆。
- Our car met another car on a narrow road . 在一条窄路上,我们的车和另一辆车相碰。
- She backed the car out of the narrow road. 她把车子倒出窄路。
- Our car met another car on a narrow road. 在一条窄路上,我们的车和另一辆车相碰。
- Their cars met onthe narrow road. 他们的车在狭路相遇在一起。
- It was rather hairy driving down that narrow road in the darkness. 黑夜在那条窄道上开车真可怕。
- It was very hairy driving down that narrow road in the darkness. 黑暗中在那条窄路上开车,真有些让人担惊受怕.
- The narrow road is on a gentle slope which occasionally makes sharp twists. 这条狭路是在一个平缓的斜坡上,它有时曲折得很厉害。
- The taxi driver backed away to let the bus go through the narrow road. 出租车司机把车向后退了退让公共汽车通过狭窄的道路。
- If you aspire to compete with the best, you just walk a narrow road. 如果你渴望同最好的选手比赛,那你只是走进了窄胡同。
- And ally An alley is a narrow road way roadway through the middle of a block. 背街是穿过街道中间的一条小路。
- On treacherous terrain or narrow roads, they can be attacked. 正通过险道隘路时,可以攻击。
- Near the campfire,he saw some tracks leaving the place,heading for the forest through a narrow road. 在篝火附近,他看到了离开的脚印,穿过一条小径走进了林子。
- Kuan Rong>>: It means indulgently. When people meet on the narrow road, he can choose the flat road to others. 《宽容》宽容就是在狭路相逢时,把平坦的一边让给别人走。
- Near the campfire, he saw some tracks leaving the place, heading for the forest through a narrow road. 在篝火附近,他看到了离开的脚印,穿过一条小径走进了林子。
- People that tries to overtake you when you're on a very narrow road (especially older men loves doing this). 当您是在窄路时,人们设法追过您(老人特别喜爱干这事)。
- These narrow roads are a leftover from the days of horse-drawn carriages. 这些小道是从马车时代沿用下来的。
- She still proceeds with the same objective, but only through a winding narrow road for a while. 她还在进行相同的目标,不过是暂时通过一段弯曲而狭窄的路。