- Can you drive the car between those narrow walls? 你能在那两堵墙之间的狭窄通道上行驶吗?
- He found that it curtained a sort of steep natural stairway which was enclosed between narrow walls, and at once the ambition to be a discoverer seized him. 他发现后面狭缝中有条陡峭的天然台阶,汤姆一下心血来潮,要去继续探险。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- The road is too narrow to allow the passage of gondola. 这条街太窄,大型货车不能通过。
- The mountain path is narrow and rugged. 狭隘的山路崎岖不平。
- The travelers edged warily along the narrow road. 旅游者沿着狭窄的小路小心前行。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- A chill struck into the narrow of his bones. 他感到一股寒意,透入骨髓。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- The tide flushed through this narrow inlet. 潮水涌过了狭窄的小湾。
- A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle. 狭长形宝石被切成细条形的宝石
- He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood. 他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
- I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。
- The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon. 小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。
- She turned the car into the narrow street. 她驱车拐进狭窄的街道。
- The company offers two weeks narrow boat holidays. 公司推出了为期两周的运河船度假项目。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。
- There is an ornament made of shells on the wall. 墙上有一个贝壳做成的装饰品。
- They were pinioned against the wall by the lorry. 那辆卡车把他们挤到墙根动弹不得。
- I congratulated myself on my narrow escape. 我庆祝自己死里逃生。