- narrower term references 限定词参照
- narrower term reference 下位词参照
- The courts have explored the boundaries of the narrower term in the course of applying the APA's rulemaking provisions. 在适用《行政程序法》的规则制定条款的过程中,法院探索出狭义条件的界线。
- This term refers to the aroma and bouquet of a beer. 对于啤酒的芳香和味蕾的表达词汇是什么?
- But there is nothing "odd" about interpreting the term "negligent transmission" to encompass more ground than the decidedly narrower terms "loss" and "miscarriage. 但并没有什么“奇怪”关于解释“一词疏忽传输” ,以包括更多的地面比果断窄的“损失”和“流产” 。
- Occultism is a general term referring to many branches of thought and practice. 神秘学神秘学是对有关思维和修炼的许多分支的总称。
- For each term, a word block is displayed, showing the hierarchical and non-hierarchical relations to other terms: BT (broader term), NT (narrower term), RT (related term), UF (non-descriptor). 每个术语都含有与其他术语的上下位关系或非上下位关系,这些关系有:BT(广义词)、NT(狭义词)、RT(相关词),UF(非叙词)。
- This term refers to the practice of tutoring students over a computer network. 这一词条指同网络队学生进行指导的实践应用。
- It is easy to think of a migration in narrow terms, but it is dangerous to do so. 狭义地考虑迁移非常容易,但这样做却非常危险。
- These terms refer to the size of the papers' pages but there is also a clear difference in content. 这两种类型的报纸不仅版面大小不同,而且内容也大相径庭。
- In broader usage, the term refers to any act of persuasion, between heterosexual or homosexual individuals. 广义上说,这个术语同样适用于同性个体之间。
- These terms refer to evolution above the species level, including such events as mass extinctions, adaptive radiation, and the major transitions in evolution. 这些术语是指物种以上水平的进化,包括大规模灭绝事件、适应性辐射和进化中的重大转变。
- Biomass-this term refers to a wide variety of crude fuel sourees,including plant and animal waste,wood and garbage. “生物量”这个术语指的是广泛多样的天然燃料资源,包括动植物残渣、木柴和垃圾。
- This slang term refers to silly fools, not irritating ones, but that can't be much consolation for Gore. 这个俚语是指发呆的傻瓜,是那种不惹你生气的傻瓜,但这并不能给戈尔先生多大安慰。
- The road is too narrow to allow the passage of gondola. 这条街太窄,大型货车不能通过。
- Bancassurance A French term referring to the selling of insurance through a bank's established distribution channels. 银行出售保险法文词汇,指通过银行既有的分销渠道销售保险。
- Please check up these references. 请核对这些参考资料。
- Body Part 14, an X.400 electronic messaging term referring to a nonspecific body part, commonly used to transfer binary attachments. 主体第14部分,X.;400电子信息传输术语,指非特殊主体部分,通常用于传输二进制附加部分。
- The mountain path is narrow and rugged. 狭隘的山路崎岖不平。
- Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a medical term referring to a fracture through the epiphyseal growth plate. 什么是'下跌股骨头骨骺-打破在生长板在头髀'?