- narrowleaf cyrtanthus 窄叶曲花
- Effect of Organic Fertilizer on Narrowleaf Cattail 有机肥用量对蔺草品质与产量的影响
- narrowleaf burmann cinnamon root and leaf 顺江木
- narrowleaf cryslatlea ledum leaf 白山苔
- narrowleaf dogwood flower of leaf 野荔枝
- narrowleaf rockvine root or herb 五爪金龙(中药)
- narrowleaf spicebush branchlet leaf or root 狭叶山胡椒
- Storage technology of modified atmosphere packaging for narrowleaf cattail 蒲菜气调保鲜贮藏技术研究
- littleflower cyrtanthus 小花曲花
- narrowleaf euphorbia herb 细叶大戟
- narrowleaf falsepimpernel herb 羊角草
- narrowleaf fig root and leaf 奶汁树
- narrowleaf patrinia root 狭叶败酱
- narrowleaf rockvine herb 五爪金龙
- narrowleaf scabious flower 蒙古山罗卜
- narrowleaf screwtree herb 山芝麻
- narrowleaf common tobacco 窄叶烟草
- narrowleaf dayflower 窄叶鸭跖草
- narrowleaf firethorn 窄叶火棘
- narrowleaf flax 窄叶亚麻