- The national railway system has nearly all been electrified. 全国的铁路系统几乎全部实现了电气化。
- He was used for passenger train in SMR and Manchuria national railway. 这是在南满洲铁道里驾驶普通客车列车。
- The national railways have now been electrified. 全国铁路现已电气化了。
- Li Da Company is a subsidiary of the multiple enterprises of the national railway unit. 从1996年建厂以来,快速发展壮大,成为国内唯一中标高速铁路钢轨扣件的铁路企业,为民族工业争得了一席之地。
- French national railway is built have pervade the research network of entire company. 法国国营铁路建有遍及全企业的研究网。
- Mr Buffett's old friend Bill Gates has made a killing investing in the Canadian National Railway. 巴菲特的老友比尔盖茨从投资加拿大国家铁路公司中狠赚了一笔。
- Railway Ministry personnel presented that, this network construction is a part of the national railway backbone telecommunication reform project. 铁道部人士介绍,此次网络建设是全国铁路枢纽通讯改造工程的一部分。
- In paper, a brief introduction is made about applicationexamples of laser modification technology in our national railway loco-motive industry. 本文就激光改性技术在我们铁路机车工业上的应用实例,作了概括性的介绍。
- So it is very important and necessitous to research and develop the AFC which is fit with the national railway passenger transportation system. 在铁路旅客运输方面,虽然建成了全国联网的客票预订和发售系统,但售票形式单一,检票方式还沿用传统的手工方式,因此研究和发展铁路AFC系统的要求变得非常迫切。
- To administer the national railway in respect of friendly relations with foreign countries, intelligence import, foreign technology cooperation and exchanges. 归口管理国家铁路对外友好交往、智力引进、对外技术合作与交流工作。
- Between 1980-1997, the country also completed 17,000 kin of national railways. 从1980年到1997年,国家铁路正线延展里程净增1.;7万公里。
- Between 1980-1997,the country also completed 17,000 kin of national railways. 从1980年到1997年,国家铁路正线延展里程净增1.;7万公里。
- To the subway and a rock climb on the ground, 54 points is built on the ground, and then west to the end of the Mentougou Cathay to manage mutual funds into the national railway station. 地铁到黑石头就爬上了地面,54号站也是建在地面上的,再往西最后到门头沟的三家店火车站并入国家铁路。
- As an important integrant of the second large corridor of western coal eastward transporting in china, Shuohuang Railway(SHR) plays a very important part in national railway network. 朔黄铁路是我国西煤东运第二条大通道的重要组成部分,在我国铁路网中具有非常重要的地位和作用。
- Deutsche Bahn, Germany's national railway operator, has anunced a speed-dating ride on the eve of Valenz ines D aboard its so-called "Flirt-Express" train to help hopeless romantics find s partner. 德国国有铁路运营商联邦铁路公司近日宣布,情人节前夕将开设“相亲特快”,帮助单身男女在旅途中闪电约会,找寻“另一半”。
- September 1912, Dr.Sun Yat-sen should Yuan Shikai, she went to Beijing to discuss state affairs, accepted the power to co-ordinate the national railway matters, and then go to the inspections. 1912年9月,孙中山应袁世凯之邀,赴北京商讨国是,接受了统筹全国铁路事宜之大权, 随后赴各地视察。
- Inside the Beijing February 7th Locomotive Works, which belong to the China National Railway Technical Equipment Corporation, showing BJ class diesel hydraulic locomotives in the paintshop. 在北京二七机车工厂内,我们看到喷漆车间里的“北京”型液力传动内燃机车,这个工厂隶属于中国铁道部技术装备局。
- Germany on Thursday delayed plans for a partial initial public offering of national railway operator Deutsche Bahn AG, saying it would wait until market conditions were more favorable. 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!
- Railway: a 2,867km operational mileage of national railways; electrification rate: 67%; All main railway lines in the province are electrified. 铁路:铁路营运里程2867公里,电气化率67%25,其中省内干线铁路全部实现电气化。
- Japan's National Railways lost $14 billion in 1985; this was the last straw leading to its privatization. 日本国营铁路1985年亏损美金140亿元,再也无法支持,以致改为私营。