- National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Or. 全国交通法律法规统一委员会。
- NCAVAE National Committee for Audiovisual Aids in Education. 教育视听辅助手段全国委员会。
- Is the Ninth CPPCC National Committee held five meetings, members queried. 正在召开的政协九届五次会议上,委员们对此提出疑问。
- The Republican National Committee remained an Old Guard stronghold even after Mr Eisenhower's election. 共和党的全国委员会甚至在艾森豪威尔先生当选总统之后仍然是保守派的堡垒。
- Each of the 55 ethnic minorities has its own deputies and CPPCC National Committee members. 55个少数民族都有自己的代表和委员。
- The Second Session of the Fifth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is now open. 中国人民政治协商会议第五届全国委员会第二次会议现在开幕。
- Our president is cleaning the table for a member of National Committee of CPPCC. 我们的主席为一名政协委员擦桌子。
- National Committee on admission working Conference They was reformed National college enrolment system. 全国高等学校招生工作会议召开决定对高等学校招生制度进行改革。
- Deng Yingchao, Kang Keqing and Qian Zhengying had been or is currently among the seven women serving as chairperson or vice-chairperson of the CPPCC National Committee. 邓颖超、康克清、钱正英等7位女性曾分别担任过全国政协主席、副主席。
- During World War I, Paderewski became an active member of the Polish National Committee in Paris. 第一次世界大战期间,帕代雷夫斯基积极参与在巴黎的波兰国民会议。
- Blumenthal is a staff member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and the Asia Society's China Council. 她还是美国美中关系全国委员会及美国亚洲协会中国理事会的成员。
- The Third Session of the First National Committee of our People's Political Consultative Conference is now open . 我们的人民政治协商会议第一届全国委员会第三次会议,现在开会了。
- The First Session of the 11th CPPCC National Committee opened at the Great Hall of the People at 15:00 on March 3rd. 中国人民政治协商会议第十一届全国委员会第一次会议,3月3日15时在人民大会堂开幕。
- Wang Wenyuan, vice-chairperson of the CPPCC ninth National Committee, and Board Chairman Zheng Yuanbao. 九届全国政协副主席王文元与董事长合影留念。
- Clinton's personal pollster, Stanley Greenberg, gets almost $ 2 million a year from the Democratic National Committee. 克林顿的私人民意调查分析家斯坦德利 - 格林伯格每年从民主党全国委员会获得近乎2百万美元。
- Eleventh Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, UNESCO deputy director of the Health Committee. 第十一届全国政协常委、教科文卫委员会副主任。
- At present,China has 480,000 members of political consultative conferences at various levels,among whom 2,099 are CPPCC National Committee members. 目前,中国各级政协有委员48万名,其中,全国政协委员2099名。
- Additional detail may be extracted from the bi-monthly newsletter of the National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing. 另外的细节也许是从反住房歧视全国委员会的双月刊时事通讯中摘录的。
- The Democratic National Committee strip ped Michigan and Florida of their convention delegates as punishment for holding their primaries too early. 民主党全国委员会因密歇根和佛罗里达州太早举行预选而剥夺了两州的会议代表以做惩罚。