- national inner control 国家内部控制
- It stresses the inner control to the currency hinds and the accounts receivable inner control of account receivable. 重点介绍了对货币资金的内部控制和应收账款的内部控制。
- MBO can refine the proprietorship structure, decrease the problems of inner control, and improve the core competition of enterprise. MBO有利于改善公司治理结构、减少内部人控制问题,提高企业核心竞争力。
- The internal reasons are the inner control defects of the banks, operational risks, and the mismatched quality of the stuff. 内部原因主要是:银行内部控制缺陷,操作风险,银行队伍人员素质不高等。
- The special kind operation of AMC effects serious influence on assets handling because of policy bug, system bug, relaxed inner control, lacking in supervise, etc. 但由于资产管理公司业务运作的特殊性质,也存在诸多政策性、制度性缺陷,内控不严,监管不力等问题,严重影响资产处置效果。
- Thus a set of scientific inner control system with accounting computerization should be set up in order to ensure truthfulness and integrality of accounting data. 因此,一整套电算化模式下的科学的内部控制制 度必须建立起来以保证会计资料真实而完整。
- In underwriting securities, securities companies shall also abide by the relevant provisions on sponsorship system, risk control system and inner control system of the CSRC. 证券公司承销证券,还应当遵守中国证监会有关保荐制度、风险控制制度和内部控制制度的相关规定。
- Development of accounting informationization changes ways in which accounting data store and deal with,and also brings some new problems about inner control. 会计信息化的发展改变了会计数据存储和处理的方式,也带来一些内部控制上的新问题。
- Using DSP s high speed operation performance and its inner control unit,simplified the system s software and hardware,achieved stepper motor s high precision subdivision drive. 利用DSP高速运算性能以及内部控制单元简化了系统的软硬件,实现了步进电机的高精度细分驱动。
- The inner control layer connects every single elevator together by special CAN bus to implement the optimal algorithm of dispatchment in elevator group-control system. 中间控制层采用专用CAN总线网络将各个单梯系统联系在一起,达到多梯协调工作,实现群控功能;
- The PersistChildrenAttribute tells the designer whether the child controls of a server control should be persisted as nested inner controls. PersistChildrenAttribute告知设计器是否应将服务器控件的子控件作为嵌套的内部控件保存。
- Because of the audit basis changed from account basis to risk control basis and the approach of audit changed from detailed audit to sampled audit based inner control, the audit risk happened inevitability. 随着审计基础由账项基础发展到风险控制基础,审计方法由详细审计发展到以内部控制为基础的抽样审计,审计风险便不可避免的发生了。
- Then based on the guideline by IIA and the related principle of the the Basel capital Accord, it analyzes the accumulating approaches of the inner auditing in the aspects of corporation operation ,inner control and risk management of commercial banks. 作为商业银行董事会及其审计委员会和最高层管理当局控制手段的内部审计,在商业银行管理尤其是风险管理、内部控制以及公司治理中的地位与作用日益突出,成为关系到商业银行兴衰成败的重要因素。
- To establish and perfect the control system of it,we should better the establishment of inner financial section and construct standard inner control system and effective inner financial control level. 建立健全事业单位内部财务管理控制体系,应完善内部财务机构的建设,建立起规范的内部财务控制制度和有效的内部财务控制层次。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。
- I found a simple solution for this problem, which also prevents any distortions in the drawing if the inner controls. 我找到了解决这一问题的一个简单的方法,它可以防止对内部控件的非法绘制。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。
- Many of them wore colourful national costumes. 他们很多人都穿着色彩鲜艳的民族服装。
- You can plug into the national computer network. 你可以接通全国计算机网络。
- October first is the National Day of China. 十月一日是中国的国庆节。