- On the historical reasons for the trend of thought of National Character reform in the period of New Culture Movement 论新文化运动时期国民性改造思潮形成的历史动因
- national character reform 国民性改造
- Character reform in China has been carried out for many years. 中国的文字改革已经进行了多年。
- Competition, they believe, strengthens national character than corrupt it. 他们相信竞争会增强民族的性格而不会破坏它。
- The size of the value depends on the national character set of the database. 值的大小依赖于数据库的区域字符集。
- For economists, however, frugality is not about national character but rationality. 但对经济学家来说,节俭与民族性无关,而是一种理性的表现。
- Competition, they believe, strengthens the national character rather than corrupt it. 人们认为竞争加强了民族性而不是破坏了它。
- I'd like to introduce the national character of Italian through my observation at soccer stadiums. 我想介绍一下通过我在足球场所观察到的意大利的国民性格。
- An aim not to show feeling is supposed to be part of the British national character. 感情不外露被认为是英国国民性格的一部分。
- What elements of the national character come from this long-time farming background? 从这个长期务农的背景产生的国民性,其特点是什么呢?
- The metadata functions will never report them as a national character varying(10) column. 元数据函数决不会将它们报告为national character varying(10)列。
- Indeed, in essentials the national character will be recognizably much as it has been for a couple of centuries. 另外,美国的基本特质两个世纪以来大同小异。
- Entirety, it is farraginous and national character that made the Korea movie come to the top. 而从整体上来看,韩国电影类型中的杂糅特征、民族特征等是其取得成功的关键。
- He said immigrants have greatly contributed to Americas prosperity and national character, and will continue to do so. 他指出,移民为美国的繁荣和国家的特性做出了巨大的贡献,而且将继续做出贡献。
- I impeach him in the name of all the Commons of Great Britain,whose national character he has dishonored. 我以大不列颠全体下院议员的名义控告他玷污了国家的名声。
- Chinese calligraphy and painting are the artistic fo rms characteristic of its national character. 中国书画是具有鲜明民族特点的文化艺术形式。
- We should be proud of our country and never do things to violate our national character and morals. 我们要以祖国为荣,绝不能做有损于国格的事。
- The origin of English idioms goes back to ancient times.It has a strong expressiveness and vivid national character. 英语习语源远流长,有很强的表现力和鲜明的民族色彩。
- The book seeks deep for the quintessence of Chinese hair culture and the gene of national character contained in the hair culture. 本书深刻发掘了中国发文化的精髓,以及在发文化中蕴藏的民族性格基因。
- reform of Chinese national character 改造国民性