- More and more people have risen to fight for national salvation. 人民更大规模地起来为救亡而斗争。
- There is too much national salvation work to be done. 抗战工作实在太多了。”
- He interceded for the arrested leaders of the National Salvation Association. 他为被捕的救国会领袖说项。
- He interceded for the arrested leaders of the National Salvation Association . 他为被捕的救国会领袖说项。
- Nobody will be allowed to neglect his duty and nothing will be allowed to undermine the cause of national salvation. 不许一人不尽其职,一事不利救亡。
- We exchange the latter for the former and resume our co-operation with the Kuomintang to fight for national salvation. 我们以后者换得前者,重新与国民党合作,为救亡而奋斗。
- At quarter to six he arrived at the conference room of the Board of Directors of the Workers' National Salvation Association. 五点三刻他到了文化界抗敌总会的会议室。
- On our trip to the National Salvation Army Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia to hand over a donation check, we got lost! 有一次当我们前往维吉尼亚阿灵顿的救世军全国总部递送捐款支票时,我们竟迷路了!
- The hope for national salvation, Roosevelt thought, lay in quick action to overcome the menace of national economic collapse. 罗斯福认为,拯救国家的希望,在于迅速克服经济崩溃的威胁。
- On the platform of studying in Japan, the Chinese students played a magnificent and mighty duet of national salvation and enlightenment movement. 可以说,在留学日本这个大舞台上,留学生们演奏的是一曲威武雄壮的救亡与启蒙的二重奏。
- "October events," 1993 referendum, "irreconcilable opposition," National Salvation Front, Ostankino, and price liberalization. “十月事件”、1993年的公投、“互相对立的反对派”、民族拯救阵线、奥斯坦金诺与价格自由化。
- There is no need to change the form of national salvation federations at or above the district level,but each village should have its own national salvation organization. 各救国会组织在区以上仍采取救国联合会的形式,不必变动,但在村一般应分开组织。
- There is no need to change the form of national salvation federations at or above the district level, but each village should have its own national salvation organization. 各救国会组织在区以上仍采取救国联合会的形式,不必变动,但在村一般应分开组织。
- It is the internal combination of anti-Japanese force that is leaded by CPC, national salvation army and forest guerillas and also their external combined forces. 东北抗日联军既是党领导的抗日武装、救国军和山林队的内部联合,又是上述武装的外部联合的武装队伍。
- Liang Qicao takes the national salvation and "Xinmin" as his own task,but his academy and thinking which have epoch-making significance receives unjust indifference and negation. 梁启超以救亡和“新民”为己任,其具有划时代意义的学术与思想成就曾受到了不应有的冷漠甚至否定。
- In Shanghai we have criticized Chang Nai-chi's line of "issuing fewer calls and offering more suggestions" and begun to correct the tendency towards excessive accommodation in the work of the national salvation movement. 在上海,对“少号召,多建议”的章乃器主义给了批评,开始纠正了救亡工作中的迁就倾向。
- All this is manifested in the lack of cultural and propaganda work among the masses and the lax work, as well as dull cultural and recreational activities, of the national salvation associations at the level of company. 这具体表现在对人民群众的文化宣传工作的薄弱,以及连队救亡室工作和文化娱乐活动的死气沉沉。
- For national salvation and self emancipation, Chinese women, along with the entire nation, waged a dauntless struggle that lasted for over a century. They also launched a succession of movements for women's liberation. 为挽救民族的危亡和谋求自身的解放,中国妇女与全国人民一道,进行了长达一百多年的不屈不挠的斗争,掀起了一次又一次的妇女解放运动。
- All this is manifested in the lack of cultural and propaganda work among the masses and the lax work,as well as dull cultural and recreational activities,of the national salvation associations at the level of company. 这具体表现在对人民群众的文化宣传工作的薄弱,以及连队救亡室工作和文化娱乐活动的死气沉沉。
- In face of the crumbling state sovereignty and the calamities wrought upon their lives,for over a century the Chinese people fought the foreign aggressors in an indomitable struggle for national salvation and independence. 面对国家主权的沦丧和人民生命的浩劫,中国人民为救亡图存,争取国家独立,同外国侵略者进行了一个多世纪不屈挠的斗争。