- Besides, more native tree species were employed during tree planting schemes to enhance biodiversity. 而植林计划亦增加种植本地品种,吸引更多物种栖息。
- The Century Frangipani is a native tree that has been associated with Buddhist and Hindu cultures. 内庭院里的铝金属和鸡蛋花花池创造出一种富有启发性的空间体验。
- While exotic species should not be excluded for special reasons or purposes, native tree species should be preferred as a matter of principle. 不应因特别原因或用途而完全排除外来的品种,但仍应以本地品种为优先。
- The method makes use of the native tree structure of HTML document and designs a new simple form of labeling the example pages. 该方法充分利用了HTML文档内在的树状结构,设计了简单方便的样本网页标注形式。
- Fokienia hodginsii Henry et Thomas is native tree species in China , with beautiful appearance , straight stem ,fast growth and fine texture, has high economic value, ecological value and aesthetic value. 福建柏(Fokienia hodginsii Henry et Thomas),又称建柏,是我国的特有种,树形美观,树干通直,生长快,材质好,具有较高的经济、生态和美学价值。
- Tree species of the disaster focused on bamboo>evergreen species> deciduous trees, conifers> broad-leaved species, tree species> Lamu species, alien species> native trees. 从造林树种灾情看,其受灾重点为竹类、针叶树种、阔叶树种。
- Australia has few deciduous native trees (the Toona australis or so called Red Cedar is one). 澳大利亚很少有本地的每年落叶性树。
- The aquatic plants including metasequoia, camphora, acacia, hibiscus mutabilis and oleander, and native trees are iris, shuicong and reed. 水杉、香樟、金合欢、木芙蓉、夹竹桃等本土乔木,菖蒲、鸢尾、水葱、芦苇等水生本土植物将大量运用于绿化中。
- Many companies take a very crude approach to tree-planting, oftencutting down native trees and planting evergreens such as pine trees intheir place. 然而,一些单位把绿化点建设成了本单位的度假区,与绿化建设的本意背道而驰。
- Examples include the use of Australian “pines,” Casuarina, and the bright-berried shrub known as Brazilian pepper as replacements for native trees. 可是这样做有时带来的却是灾难性的后果。这样的例子有:用“澳大利亚松”(学名:)和一种名为巴西辣椒,长着颜色鲜亮的桨果的灌木来代替当地土生土长的树木。
- growth of the native tree species 乡土阔叶树种生长
- Native trees are low maintenance; they have developed natural defenses against insects and disease over the centuries, and they rarely need pruning or feeding. 本地树种只需要较低的维护水平,他们已经具有了抵御自然病虫害的能力,而且很少需要修剪好施肥。
- Native tree plants (indigenous tree species) 乡土树种
- Our long-term supply of plant nurseries, 2 - 60 cm of Health ginkgo tree is 1-50 cm ginkgo tree grafting. The supply of international standards Ginkgo biloba fruit and other native trees. 我们苗圃厂长期供应,2--60公分银杏实生树,1-50公分银杏嫁接树。供应国际标准的银杏叶果,以及其他乡土树种。
- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽车扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出来。
- How they long to get a sight of their native land! 他们多么渴望看一看故乡啊!
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- A camel fleet to carry me to my native place. 木兰不用尚书郎,愿借千里足,送儿还故乡。
- The annular markings on a tree indicate its age. 树的环形纹理显示其年龄。
- The car hit the tree with a sickening crash. 那辆汽车撞在树上发出让人难受的撞击声。