- natrium carbonicum [医] 碳酸钠
- Natrium Carbonicum Siccatum 一水碳酸钠
- natrium carbonicum siccum [医] 干燥碳酸钠
- natrium carbonicum calcinatum 无水碳酸钠
- natrium carbonicum monohydratum 一水合碳酸钠
- Humic acerbity natrium how assay? 腐植酸钠如何化验?
- Does loose natrium of head Bao music treat lymphatic infection? 头孢曲松钠治疗淋巴感染么?
- Toxic to dipterex ban with bicarbonate natrium gastric lavage. 对敌百虫中毒禁用碳酸氢钠洗胃。
- We are used to sanitize the sewage by liquid chlorine and natrium chlorite. 过去,对医院污水多采用液氯法和次氯酸消毒法。
- This tasting have chloric eduction of slow and abiding diuresis and hurried natrium Potassium and the effect that reduce blood sugar. 本品有缓慢而持久的利尿及促钠钾氯排出和降低血糖的作用。
- Methods Kalium(K),Natrium(Na) and Chloride(Cl) were analyzed by Olympus-2700,AVL-9130 and Vitros-350 analyzer. 方法分别用Olympus-2700生化分析仪、Av1-9130电解质分析仪、VITROS-350干式化学分析仪测定相关项目后分析结果。
- Hydrochloric acid and chlorous natrium are used as primary reactant to give out the gas of chlorine dioxide. 该装置以盐酸和亚氯酸钠为主要反应物,通过反应放出二氧化氯气体。
- Natrium ion appears to descend at 60min, 80min and postoperation and glucose appears to ascend at the same time point. 血糖在术中60 min、80 min及术后升高(P <0.;05);
- If patient gain weight is rapid, bloated orHypertensive, need what appreciably restricts water natrium to absorb. 如病人体重增加迅速,浮肿或高血压,需略微限制水钠的摄入。
- Objective To observe the preventive effect of escin natrium on radiation induced pulmonary injury. 目的观察七叶皂甙钠预防放射性肺损伤临床疗效。
- The medicine of what property is saltpetre general natrium? What should medicine notice with this? 硝普钠是什么性质的药?用此药应该注意些什么?
- Methods: We adopted the cough experiment with natrium citricum to observe the effect on relieving cough of guinea-pig. 方法:采用枸椽酸钠引咳试验观察对豚鼠的止咳作用;
- Still can have dialytic treatment in addition, the redundant water inside cleared body, natrium. 此外还可进行透析治疗,清除体内多余的水、钠。
- The alkali without natrium synthesizes separate n amizeolite colloid and the alkali with natrium forms the congeries. 无钠碱源形成分立的纳米沸石胶体,有钠碱源形成聚集态纳米沸石。