- Sell the natural crystal and precious stones forever.The most substantial price, hand over the world friend. 永远出售天然的水晶和宝石。最实惠的价格,交天下朋友。
- All Natural Crystal sell as Wholesale Price!!!Hurgie Crystal JB Trading now is coming to Johor, Saleng TJ Mart!!! 天然水晶全部以批发价为临售价!合意天然水晶!现已来到古来佳市场!
- We supply crystal jewelry with very clear Natural crystal beads, as clear as diamond. 供应水晶饰品,我们非常明确的天然水晶珠,那样清楚的钻石。
- So nitric acid can canker its broken side,it also appears natural crystal veins,this veins is nearly the main characterist of aerosiderite! 所以;硝酸酒精腐蚀其断面;可以出现天然结晶的花纹.;这种花纹;几乎是陨铁的基本特征之一!
- OUR main natural crystal bracelet, pendant (figures, auspicious, tourmaline), crystal cluster, Shui Jingdong, Jubao Pen. 本店主营天然水晶手链,挂件(人物,吉祥,碧玺),水晶簇,水晶洞,聚宝盆。
- The second, the natural crystal has spiritualism, also in the meantime have strong magnetic field can absorb harmful radiation, can also purify whole body. 第二点,天然水晶是有水灵的,同时也具有强大的磁场能吸收有害的辐射,也可以净化全身。
- The main products are natural crystal silver accouterment, silver incrustation of Europe-American, pearl, silvered fittings, all kinds of design and incrustation of gem. 主要产品包括天然水晶银饰品、欧美合台银饰品、珍珠银配件以及各种宝石、彩色宝石设计与镶钳等。
- The product variety to crystal necklaces, sets of chain, bracelet, lighting accessories, natural crystal, crystal car pendants, etc. mainly handmade products covered necklace, bracelet, etc.Products. 本产品种类繁多,以水晶项链、套链、手链、灯饰配件、天然水晶、水晶汽车挂件、等等为主,手工类产品涵盖项链、手链等等产品。
- Although my company set up soon, but in gifts, handicrafts, jewelry has a wealth of experience with natural crystal production machinery good, and I welcome the intention to contact Thank you! 我公司虽成立不久,但在礼品,工艺品,饰品方面有着丰富经验,拥有天然水晶制作机器方面的良好技术,欢迎有意者与我公司联系,谢谢!
- Crystal Products - Natural Crystal House 水晶产品-天然
- Natural crystals, man-made crystals, handmade glass, blister pearls, wood, stones, and shells into pendants and centerpieces for bracelets. 英国卫生部一名发言人说:''''我们将以严肃认真的态度来正视日益严重的饮食失调问题,尤其会加强对年轻人心理健康的关心。''''
- Natural crystals, man-made crystals, handmade gla*s, blister pearls, wood, stones, and shells into pendants and centerpieces for bracelets. 青春期:,因身体发育带来的种种性困惑或性焦虑,同伴间的性尝试,恐人症,孤独感,无聊感,躯体不适,情绪波动,白日梦。
- Petroleum, iron, various ferroalloy elements, non-ferrous metals, precious metals, as well as saltpeter, industrial use of natural crystals, mica and other films. 有石油、铁、各种铁合金元素、有色金属、贵重金属,以及硝石、工业用的天然水晶、片云母等。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- Our motherland flows with natural resources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。
- Naturally crystallized, energy packed, true raw state. Y.S. Organics honey is never forcefully processed to make creamy (spreadable). 完全自然结晶、热量浓缩、真正固态生蜜!Y.;S
- Events took their natural course. 事态依自然进程发展。
- She has a natural wave in her hair. 她的头发自然卷曲。