- natural filling materials 天然填料
- Filling materials in the filtration cores of water filter. 滤水器滤芯充填物。
- Mainly white production, filling materials, toughener. 主要生产白种、填充料、增韧剂。
- The best filling material is silver amalgam. 充填料以银汞合金为好。
- The sand and gravel in the Yangtze river is good building and filling materials. 摘要长江中下游干流河道内的砂石是较好的建筑和填筑材料。
- Cementing agent,which is one of the primary cemented filling materials,plays a key role in the mining technique. 胶结剂作为胶结充填材料的主要材料之一,在矿山充填采矿工艺中占有重要地位。
- When packing valuable and fragile items, we should put anti-earthquake filling materials inside. 在封装贵重易碎品时,应有抗震填充物。
- Abstract: Composite resins are now widely used as filling materials for dental restorations. 摘要: 复合树脂在口腔临床中的应用已变得日益广泛。
- Neuburg Siliceous Earth is a natural combination of corpuscular quartz and lamellar kaolinite.These form a loose structure that offers enormous advantages as a filling material. 诺易堡硅土是一种由粒状石英和板状高岭土的天然结合的材料,这种组成形成一种疏松的结构能赋予填充材料许多特有的性能优势。
- Production : PVC fill material, hardware and complex cases. 生产:聚氯乙烯填充料、五金杂件。
- As a new type of filling materials,the aerated concrete has the features of low density,low strength,good absorption of water and great contraction. 加气混凝土作为一种新型的墙体填充材料,具有容重小、强度低、吸水率高,收缩性大等特性。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- AIM:To evaluate the clinical effect of two different filling materials on treating lacrimal canaliculi rupture:vein detained needle,silicone tube. 目的:应用静脉留置针与硅胶管应用于泪小管断裂吻合术中的临床疗效。
- The sedimentary features of filling materials in caves were also described and the evolutional model of karat was established. 作者还研究了充填物的沈积特徵,探讨了储层的演化模式。
- Dredged spoils being treated by solidification method provides an effectual way to convert dredged spoils into useful filling materials. 疏浚泥固化处理后用作填方用土是疏浚泥处理的有效方法,但在我国还没有在实际工程中应用过。
- Filling with unclassified tailings will expand the supply of filling materials with no need to build a dam for fine tailings. 全尾砂充填可解决两个问题:增加充填料来源和免去为细尾砂筑坝堆放。
- The factors affecting the retention of short posts include the remaining tooth structure, endodontic filling materials, etching, and adhesives. 至于影响上颚乳前牙牙根钉柱稳固性的因素,包括:剩馀齿质的量、根管封填材料、酸蚀方式,以及黏著剂的选择等。
- Conclusions The hydroxyapatite complex is the ideal filling material. 结论羟基磷灰石复合体是较为理想的充填材料。
- Everything we used was made from natural materials. 我们所用的一切都是由天然材料做成的。
- Dental filling materials contain resin of polymer,inorganic filler and photoinitiator system,which are used in dental restoration. 齿科充填复合材料是由高分子基质、无机填料及光引发剂体系组成的复合物,主要用于齿科的修复。