- natural landscape tourism 自然景观旅游
- Beijing Tourism Matsuyama Matsuyama District to the natural landscape as the main scenic resources abundant, unique. 北京松山松山旅游区以自然景观为主体,风景资源雄厚,独具特色。
- Constitute a natural landscape painting. 构成了一幅幅天然图画。
- You can enjoy natural landscape if you take train. 坐火车你可欣赏自然景观。
- Unique tourism resources, humanities, the natural landscape has axiang fu Imperial City, Hoi will Temple, Guo Tongkuangyu city, nine female fairylakea such. 旅游资源得天独厚,人文、自然景观拥有皇城相府、海会寺、郭峪古城、九女仙湖等。
- Formed a thorn, Lu Feng Zhang, surround nets, Wamingyuyue, Lotus Tingting the natural landscape, tourists tourism, fishing, summer, Dangzhou a good place. 形成了草木丛生,芦疯长,鱼网环绕、蛙鸣鱼跃,荷花婷婷的自然景观,是游客旅游观光、垂钓、避暑、荡舟的好去处。
- This article outlined the characteristics and the present development situation of rural landscape tourism in China and put forward some suggestions. 摘要针对目前中国农村的景观旅游特征及发展现状中存在的问题提出了一些设想。
- The epitome of natural landscape art and miniascape are walked into indoor. 自然景观艺术的缩影及盆景走进室内。
- Each European style villa put in the natural landscape exquisitely, constructs a world outside garden. 一幢幢欧式风格的别墅精心摆放在自然山水间,构筑了世外桃园。
- The famous natural landscape includes Heavenly Lake, Kanas Lake, Bosten Lake, Sayram Lake, Bayinbrook Grassland etc. 著名的自然风景有天池、纳斯湖、斯腾湖、里木湖、音布鲁克草原等。
- Although there are plenty of natural landscapes and sceneries of humanities in Jinzhou, tourism has been developing very slowly. 摘要锦州市具有丰富的自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源。
- Landscape resources consistof natural landscape resource and humane landscape resource. 景观资源包括自然景观资源和人文景观资源。
- To create the street locale involves many elements such as architecture, natural landscape, and sculptures etc. 街道场所的创造还涉及诸多要素如建筑、自然山水、雕塑小品、植被等等,它们的组织与结合共同构成丰富多彩的街道空间。
- Chifeng Bolong Ke desert tourist areas to watch the natural landscape and experience-based Mongolian customs. 赤峰勃隆克沙漠旅游区以观赏自然景观和体验蒙古族风情为主。
- Wenzhou and Taizhou coastal tourism regions come the last, but their human and natural tourism resources are well balanced with prominent natural landscapes. 温台(温州,台州)沿海旅游区最低,但人文旅游资源与自然旅游资源比较平衡,自然景观相对突出。
- Maolangou is now the grandest and wonderful natural landscape of stone forest groups. 茅兰沟是伊春市最为壮观的奇特石林自然景观。
- Qinghai locating on the snowing plateau, its natural landscape is uniquely particular. 摘要青海地处青藏高原东部,自然风光独具特色。
- "Redcliffe" and "Feibao" Xiangyingjiaohui, cultural landscape and the natural landscape Xiangyingchengqu. “红崖”与“飞瀑”相映交辉,人文景观与自然景观相映成趣。
- Here, visitors can enjoy the magnificent KIWI "Shiibayashi Pinnacle" the natural landscape. 在这里,游人可领略到瑰丽奇伟的“椎林叠翠”自然景观。
- L ocated in Lunan County, It is known as the " First Wonder of the World " for its natural landscape. 石林是1982年国务院批准的首批国家级重点风景名胜区之一。