- The marsupial has no natural predator but has been in decline for decades due to urban sprawl and from car accidents and dog attacks. 这种有袋动物并没有自然天敌,但其数量在过去几十年间逐渐减少,主要原因是城市的扩张、车祸和狗的袭击。
- Some animals have no natural predators. 有些动物没有天敌。
- Birds are one of mankind's best friends, not only are they the natural predator of many types of harmful insects, they are one of the most important links in nature's food chain. 鸟类是人类最好的朋友之一,它们不但是许多害虫的天敌,自然生物链重要一环。
- A miticide may be required if natural predators are absent. 一种杀螨剂;可如果需要天敌都缺席.
- Natural predator sub-commu- nity 天敌亚群落
- The echinoderms can destroy the kelp beds if their natural predators don't keep them in check. 棘皮动物能毁坏海带床假如它们的天敌不能保持它们受控制的时候。
- Scientists attribute this to good quality water and a lack of natural predators in the water channel that runs under the Palatine Hill and surfaces in the Trajan Market. 科学家认为这全归功于水质良好,加上这条流经派拉庭山丘地底并在图拉真市集浮现出来的水道,没有大自然掠夺者。
- Adult snappers have no natural predators other than humans, who capture them for their meat and shells, and to sell in the exotic animal trade. 成年大鳄龟没有任何天敌,除了人类。人们捕获它们获取肉和甲,也作为异兽进行交易。
- While they have intelligence enough to defend the hive from natural predators, they prove easily conquerable by more sharp-witted foes. 虽然他们有足够的智能可以保护虫群免于自然掠食者的侵害,但也很容易被更聪明的敌人征服。
- Over the years, several theories have been expounded to explain the mutilations, including UFOs, satanic cults, pranksters, unknown government agencies, or natural predators. 数年以来,一些理论已经被详细说明解释切割,包括不明飞行物,恶魔的礼拜,玩皮的人,未知的政府机关或天然的掠夺者。
- The natural predators that roam these forests aren't the reason either, though the sleek and agile vornskrs exhibit a predisposition to attack Force-sensitives. 而漫游在森林中的野生掠食动物也不是原因,尽管健壮敏捷的冯斯克兽会有攻击原力使用者的倾向。
- The field mice, lacking natural predators, have flourished in numbers and are running amok destroying nature. 缺少天敌的田鼠们,繁殖、破坏起来自然”随心所欲”。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- Since-the ALB is no native to the United States there are no known natural predators in the United States. There is no effective way to control the beetle in the U.S. except to destroy every tree they infest. 因为光肩星天牛并非原产于美国,因此该天牛在美国没有已知的天敌。除销毁所有受侵染的树木之外,没有其他已知的有效方法控制该天牛。
- Our motherland flows with natural resources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。
- Natural predators are cheaper. In fact, border collies and peregrine falcons have been particularly good at keeping birds at bay on airfields. But they are useless without skilled handlers. 天然食肉动物更廉价。实际上,博德牧羊犬和游隼在使鸟不靠近飞机场上效果特别好。但是没有熟练地训练员,它们是没有用的。
- Events took their natural course. 事态依自然进程发展。
- She has a natural wave in her hair. 她的头发自然卷曲。