- Whether the natural sand gravel stratum in the river bed would serve as the foundation of the superhigh faced rockfill dam or not was one of the key technical problems of the project. 河床天然砂卵砾石层能否作为超高面板坝坝基是该工程的关键技术问题之一。
- Construction quality operation on subbase of natural sand gravel pavement 浅谈天然砂砾石路面底基层施工控制
- Water supply and residual debris treatment for natural sand gravel processing system of Zaoshi project 皂市工程天然砂石加工系统供水及废渣处理
- Construction technology and quality control of bridge and culvert deck backfill using natural sand gravel 用天然砂砾进行桥涵台背回填的施工工艺与质量控制
- During the rehabilitation construction of 1985,the asphalt facing was covered by the sand gravel with a stone pitching surface. 1985年对该坝采用砂砾石料覆盖和沥青混凝土面板加固等综合措施进行了处理。
- The result shows that artificial sand HPC has excellent durability,artificial sand can replace natural sand in producting HPC. 试验结果表明,人工砂高性能混凝土具有优异的耐久性,可以替代天然砂生产高性能混凝土。
- The reason for cracking of a building in an economical development area was analyzed and based on3 tests of grout injection, some parameters for consolidation of sand gravel ground by grout injection were suggested. 本文分析了某开发区房屋开裂的原因,通过三次灌浆试验,提出了砂卵石地基灌浆加固的有关技术参数。
- The sediment supplement decrease,artifical excavating sand gravel aggregate and the scouring near dam area had caused the water level declines at Yichang station during dry season. 宜昌枯水位的降低主要是由于泥沙补给减少、人工采挖沙石骨料以及近坝段河床明显冲刷造成的。
- By experimental study,how the moisture susceptibility and volume property was influenced by the FAA value of mixed fine aggregate which includes natural sand and stone chips was discussed. 在试验研究的基础上,探讨了在限定级配下,由天然砂与石屑混合组成的细集料的棱角性(FAA)对沥青混合料体积性质、水敏感性的影响。
- BTB Bituminous Treated Sand Gravel, 沥青处理砂砾
- For the period from January to April, all the natural sands from Mainland unloaded at sand depots were categorized as "Retail". 一月至四月期间,所有卸在沙仓的内地天然沙都归类为零售。
- sand gravel dam with asphalt concrete core 沥青混凝土心墙砂砾石坝
- lime-flyash stabilized sand gravel 二灰砂砾
- Many natural sands are quartzitic and have been rolled by water for many years and are smooth and dull. 有许多天然石英砂、水已滚了多年,并正在顺利平淡。
- Site Selection of Natural Sand in Mountain Land 山区公路工程天然砂砾料场的选址
- mechanism sand instead of natural sand 机制砂代替天然砂
- Crack Analysis for Cement Stabilized Sand Gravel Base 水泥稳定砂砾基层裂缝浅析
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。