- natural smoke exhaust 自然排烟
- As the climate active fa?ade is completely closed there is normally no possibility for natural ventilation and smoke exhaust (if necessary). 由于通常主动式气候调节幕墙是全封闭的结构,所以不能提供自然通风和排烟(如果必要的话)。
- nature smoke exhaust 自然排烟
- natural smoke exhausting 自然排烟竖井
- Subway BAS system plays a vital role in facilities monitoring, fire proofing and smoke exhaust. 摘要地铁车站设备监控系统(BAS)肩负着设备监控、防排烟模式执行的重要使命。
- The design ideas of the control system for ventilation and smoke exhaust were presented. 摘要介绍人防地下车库通风与排烟系统控制设计思想。
- So life of filters can be extended twice more compared with other purifiers and perfect smoke exhaust, air clean. 所以过滤器的使用寿命比其他的净化器长了两倍,排烟和空气净化的功能更优越。
- VH series ding smoke exhaust systems for economic are special for welding fume Produced by the welding site. VH系列焊烟净化器,主要收集车间焊接现场所产生的有害致癌焊接烟尘。
- It showed that the Froude number was reasonable, and the approach to use reduced-scale model technique for studying the natural smoke filling with pre-flash fire is practicable. 相似模型实验结果表明:烟气自然填充过程中,存在烟气分层现象,但没有明显的分界面;
- Based on two-layer zone model, the mathematical model of atria smoke management system, including smoke filling, gravity venting and smoke exhaust, was developed. 论文以两层区域模型为基础,对中庭烟气填充,自然排烟,机械排烟过程分别建立了数学模型;
- Presents the air conditioning system and smoke exhaust system design of this project, applies the primary air fan coil system and secondary pump water system in the Top Electronics City. 摘要简要介绍了鼎好电子商城空调系统和防排烟系统的设计,商城采用了风机盘管加新风空调系统和二次泵空调水系统。
- The relationships among load characteristics,speed characteristics,gravitation characteristics and carbon smoke exhaust emission characteristic of turbocharged diesel engine are analyzed and compared. 分析和比较了不同海拔下增压柴油机负荷特性、速度特性、万有特性以及碳烟排放特性。
- This paper analyzes several proposals of air exhaust and smoke exhaust in highrise building basement,and briefly introduces electric valves in application of aircodition water system. 对闽桥大厦地下室排烟、排风、防烟楼梯间及其前室、消防电梯前室的排烟设计分析比较;介绍空调水系统中电动两通阀的应用。
- The design ideas of the control system for ventilation and smoke exhaust were presented. With a project example, the design method of ventilation and smoke exhaust common system was expounded. 摘要介绍人防地下车库通风与排烟系统控制设计思想。通过工程实例,阐述人防地下车库通风与排烟合用系统的设计方法。
- Our main brand, MUJJOL SHIKRAN, is based on natural smoked herring and mullet fish eggs. 我们的主要品牌MUJJOL SHIKRAN源自天然熏制的鲱鱼和梭鱼卵。
- Smoke exhausted from diesel engine is one of the main atomospherepollution sources. 柴油机排烟是大气的主要污染源之一。
- Could you tell the main reason for seeing the black smoke exhausted from the diesel engine? 请您说出柴油机冒黑烟的原因?
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- Ventilation and smoke exhaust equipment 通风及防排烟设备
- Inspection standard of smoke exhaust equipment 烟设备检查标准