- Emser Tile is a supplier of tile and natural stone. 但在东方健康网说到喝水就不能不提茶水。
- Yunan Hua Red Natural Stone Material Development Co., Ltd. 云南砉红天然石材开发有限公司。
- The Indian granite and natural stone industry is in dire straits. 目前印度花岗岩和天然石工业极不景气。
- Looking beyond them, I see we are in a natural stone amphitheatre. 我朝四周看去,我看到我们是在一个天然的石头的圆形剧场中。
- Natural stone to the top, Shek Pik Diaozao Xiang Yizun Buddha. 天然巨石为顶,石壁雕凿佛像一尊。
- Diamonds, the hardest natural stone, and rubies and sapphires, the second hardest, are actually rather hard to deface. 钻石(最坚硬的天然石)和次硬的红、蓝宝石,要刮伤其表面其实相当困难。
- In the past 100 years, Italy has monopolized international trade of natural stone. 100年来,意大利一直垄断着天然石材国际贸易。
- Wait like material of gesso, French chalk, arenaceous stone, certain and lumber, natural stone. 如石膏、滑石粉、砂石、木材、某些天然石材等。
- The Aegean Minerals Exporters' Associations took more than 150 natural stone exporters to the exhibition. 这届展会,爱琴海矿业出口协会共有150多家石材出口商出席了展会。
- The mesa that decorates now basically is natural stone (marble or granite) with man-made stone. 现在装修的台面主要是天然石(大理石或者花岗岩)和人造石。
- Sawing with diamond abrasive tools is the most important method for the processing of natural stone. 使用金刚石工具的锯切加工是切割天然岩石材料的最主要方式。
- Our company by production and sales of stone varieties are: natural stone with stone Microcrystal two. 我们公司所生产与销售的石材品种有:天然石材与微晶石两种。
- We also used natural stone extensively on the facades, the stairway and the grounds surrounding the building. 这样就能使老图书馆作为仅有的砖砌建筑而在周围建筑中凸显其标志性和历史性。
- The balcony uses natural stone, brick or mosaic more, because marble is easy efflorescent, and granite is heavier. 阳台多采用天然石、砖或马赛克,因为大理石轻易风化,而花岗岩则比较重。
- My company has all kinds of natural stone landscaping: various shapes, perfect, lifelike form. 我公司具有各种天然园林绿化石:形状各异、完美无缺、形态逼真。
- The natural materials used, are warm and friendly. Light natural stone in the sunlight and direct attention to this particular building complex. 建筑使用天然建材,散发温暖与亲切的个性。淡色的天然石材在阳光下闪闪发光,可以吸引人们的目光。
- Liziqing is a huge art treasury of natural stone scenes, which allows visitors to come freely, inspect, explore and imagine. 整个李子箐石林就是一座巨大的自然石景艺术宝库,任凭游客去观察,去发现,去自由驰骋地想象。
- The APCM has the capacity to promote the accomplishment, training and recruitment of persons in the natural stone and associated sectors. 组织有能力推广和宣传已取得的成就、推动培训课程及帮助石材企业和相关领域的企业招募员工。
- Matched to Stone carvings, we have granite marble natural stone fountain which is the center piece in garden decoration. 匹配石雕,我们花岗岩大理石天然石材喷泉这是中心花园装饰件。