- Experimental Study on Natural Vibration Behavior of the Long Span Cable-Stayed Pipe Bridge for Convoying Oil 大跨度斜拉索输油管桥模型固有振动的实验研究
- natural vibration behavior 自振特性
- The wind induced vibration behavior of the Bridge, such as that of fluttering, buffeting and vortex-excited vibration, is investigated and evaluated. 评估了菜园坝长江大桥颤振、抖振和涡激振动等风振特性。
- The Natural Vibration Frequency were obtained by galerkin method and multiple-dimensioned method. 通过伽辽金方法和多尺度法求解,得到了悬索的各阶频率计算式。
- By the aeroelasticity theory and method,structure model with FEM,model correction,natural vibration calculation,flutter analysis were made. 新一代航空结构广泛采用复合材料,对复合材料机翼的气动弹性工程化建模和分析是飞机设计的重要任务。
- By the aeroelasticity theory and method, structure model with FEM, model correction, natural vibration calculation, flutter analysis were made. 应用气动弹性分析理论和方法,对复合材料大展弦比机翼进行了结构有限元建模、模型修正、固有振动特性计算、部件颤振工程分析。
- This article introducedes that a magnetic pendulum and a simple pendulum make a non-complete forced vibration system.It can be used to study nonresonant natural vibration. 用一永久磁铁构成的摆和一单摆一起组成一非完全强迫振动系统,它可用来观察、研究物体的非共振固有振动现象。
- Analysis of natural vibration of a pre-stressed solar panel shows that the gravity has significant impact on ground modal test if the panel is hung laterally. 通过分析预应力作用下太阳能电池板的固有振动,发现重力对侧向悬挂的电池板地面模态试验结果存在影响。
- The flexural vibration behavior of elastic wave across periodic binary inconstant section beam is studied by using plane-wave expansion (PWE) method and finite element (FE) method. 通过将声子晶体中的周期结构思想引入到细直梁的结构设计中,构造了一种二组元变截面周期结构细直梁。 采用平面波展开法计算了无限周期条件下该细直梁弯曲振动中的弹性波能带结构。
- Based on construction, construction craft and natural vibration properties of tensegrity tower, dynamic properties of a 30-meter high tensegrity tower and i. 张拉整体塔结构是张拉整体思想在实践中的一种应用,其受力合理、构造简洁、形式多样,目前仅用于雕塑小品。
- The influence of bevel gears engaging on the vibration behavior of static unbalance response and initial bending response is analyzed by lateral/torsion coupling transfer matrix method. 本文以转子-机匣系统为对象,采用弯扭耦合传递矩阵法分析了锥齿轮啮合作用对不平衡响应及初始弯曲响应振动特性的影响。
- In view of the different raft structure, the finite element model of raft has been established, and the natural vibration characteristic and isolation effect are calculated using MSC/PATRAN. 针对不同的筏体结构,在MSC/PATRAN中建立浮筏的有限元模型,并且分析其固有振动特性、隔振效果,为隔振设计提供参考。
- The result for illustrating the comfort of human body under vibrating vehicle, and improving the vibration behavior of vehicle and road have guiding significance. 所得结果对评价人体在振动车辆中的舒适性以及进一步深入研究该系统的振动,改善道路和汽车的振动特性有一定的指导意义。
- In the case of invariable of outrigger belt and changing the vertical positional arrangement, the effect on structural inner force, natural vibration period and sidesway were discussed. 分析固定加强层水平伸臂的位置不变,改变环带的竖向位置,研究环带的竖向位置对高层框筒结构力学性能的影响。
- The nonlinear vibration behaviors of a rectangular moderate thickness plate with dowel on elastic foundation were investigated. 研究了弹性地基上带传力杆的间断中厚矩形板结构的非线性振动特性。
- According to the virtues of genetic algorithm and sensitivity algorithm,the two methods are mixed for natural vibration optimization and ordinal applied for flutter optimization respectively. 依据遗传算法和敏度优化算法的特点;针对固有振动和颤振优化设计的不同要求;将两种优化方法进行混合和递进应用;形成不同的优化设计方法.
- By analysed on vibration theory we knew that the load js a static load in mechanics of materials, when the loaded time is 6-8 times as much than the natural vibration period of the unit of structure. 通过振动理论的分析得知;材料力学中静载荷的定量标准是:当加载时间为构件系统的固有振动周期的8倍以上时;这种载荷即可认为是静载荷.
- Firstly, the natural vibration properties of the bridge are respectively analyzed with the general software ANSYS and VBC program for train-bridge coupling vibration, both results are quite identical. 用通用软件ANSYS及车桥耦合振动分析程序VBC计算了该桥的空间自振特性。两者计算结果较为一致。
- Dynamic characteristics of collaborated system mainly include natural vibration frequency and principal mode,which is the base and precondition of dynamic analysis for collaborated system. 协作体系的动力特性主要包括体系的自振频率和主振型,它是协作体系结构动力分析的基础和前提。
- The calculation results show that structural temperature will increase evidently so as to have a serious effect on the characteristic of structural natural vibration during the process of heating. 计算结果表明,在加热过程中,结构温度发生显著变化并引起热应力,进一步影响到结构的固有振动特性。