- He played on her good nature and managed to borrow some money from her. 他利用她的善良,设法从她那儿借了些钱。
- And for ability,is in the judgment and disposition of business. 其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。
- He has a retiring nature and hates parties. 他生性孤独,不爱社交。
- Nature and Man is a very harmonious exchanges. 自然与人是一种很融洽的交流。
- He has a deep feeling for beauty in nature and art. 他对自然及艺术的美有很深的感受力。
- Nature and artifice hand in hand. 自然和人工携手同行。
- This is a law of nature and it can't be helped. 这是自然规律,没有办法。
- He was a loner by nature and by inclination. 他天性与性向都不愿与人交往。
- She has a retiring nature and loves a restful life. 她生性好静,喜欢平静的生活。
- To darken nature and be summer woods ? 即将长成阴阴夏木--
- To respect Mother Nature and protect the ecosystem. 要尊重自然、保护生态。
- Nature and Quantity of Goods incl. 货物的品名、数量,含尺码或体积。
- nature and disposition 性情
- Art flows through nature and yet transcends nature. 艺术,她通达自然,超越自然。
- Excess and obsolete import parts inventory analysis and disposition. 进口件过期过量库存的分析和处理;
- Respected Mother Nature and the ecosystem. 尊重自然和生态的。
- She is shy by nature and shrinks from any stranger. 她生性羞怯,怕见生人。
- Another is the "Nature and Humanity" ideology. 另一个是“天人合一”思想。
- Again, one can tune into nature and listen. 再次地,你能调谐入自然界并聆听。