- nature decay resistance 天然耐腐性
- Test Method for Accelerated Laboratory Test of Natural Decay Resistance of Woods 木材抗自然腐烂的加速实验室试验的试验方法
- This paper introduces the hemp, the degumed hemp, ramie and flax treated with seawater, and compares the effects of decay resistance. 摘要采用海水对大麻原麻、脱胶大麻、苎麻和亚麻进行浸泡处理,比较麻纤维的耐海水腐蚀性能。
- This paper introduces the hemp,the degumed hemp,ramie and flax treated with seawater,and compares the effects of decay resistance. 采用海水对大麻原麻、脱胶大麻、苎麻和亚麻进行浸泡处理,比较麻纤维的耐海水腐蚀性能。
- The leachability and decay resistance of 4-year-old bamboo wood treated with chitosan copper/zinc complexes (CCC and CZC) were reported in this paper. 以4年生新伐毛竹为试材,以白腐菌彩绒革盖菌为试菌,对壳聚糖铜配合物(CCC)、壳聚糖锌配合物(CZC)及相应的金属盐(氯化锌)和铜铬硼(CCB)处理材的抗流失性和耐腐性能进行试验。
- Folded filter, filter-tetrafluoroethane, stainless steel filter, and distribution of various types of decay resistance pump. 折叠滤芯,聚四氟滤芯,不锈钢滤芯,,经销各种型号的耐腐泵。
- The result is that the decay resistance of hemp fibre by seawater is better than ramie and flax, and hemp treated by seawater is propitious to wipe off lignin, the cellulose of the hemp is the effective component against sea water. 结果显示,大麻纤维的耐海水腐蚀性能要比苎麻纤维和亚麻纤维好,用海水浸泡有利于麻纤维上的部分木质素去除,大麻纤维中耐海水腐蚀的成分主要为纤维素部分。
- The objectives of this study were to evaluate the influence of extractives on the decay resistance of M. formosana wood and analyze the antifungal compounds of heartwood extract and leaf oil. 本研究目的为评估抽出成分对于乌心石木材耐腐朽性的影响,分析心材抽出物及叶子精油中的抗腐朽菌活性化合物。
- Like Galileo, Cassini is powered by the natural decay of the radioactive element plutonium, which generates heat that is then converted to electricity. 如同伽利略号,卡西尼号的能源来自放射性元素钸的自然衰变,产生热后再转换成电。
- Under these conditions, natural decay causes a gradual bloating due to the release of gases. 在这样的条件下,因为气体释放,自然的腐败过程使得尸体逐渐膨胀。
- Landfill gas and liquid leach ate, which are the products of natural decay of organic wastes, are continuously released and cause considerable impact on the environment. 有机废物自然分解时不断释出沼气及产生渗滤污水,对环境造成严重影响。
- Yellow Cedar's natural extractives make it a decay resistant wood and aromatic when cut. 黄柏的天然提取物使其可以抵抗腐烂,并且切割时有香味。
- Landfill gas and liquid leach ate,which are the products of natural decay of organic wastes,are continuously released and cause considerable impact on the environment. 有机废物自然分解时不断释出沼气及产生渗滤污水,对环境造成严重影响。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Objective To study the factors influencing natural decay rate of artificial microbial aerosol in order to improve the accuracy of examination of air microorganisms. 目的研究人工微生物气溶胶自然消亡率影响因素,以改进空气微生物检测准确性。
- The measured CADR values decreased with increasing aerosol number concentration apparently due to coagulation effect during the natural decay measurement. 以小型测试空间是可行的,但需在系统洩漏造成影响前进行CADR计算。
- The gate can also be used to “dry up” a track or mix that has too much reverb or ambience.Set the RELEASE control so that the natural decay of the sound is somewhat truncated. 为了有效地在起音阶段控制噪音保留较长时间的衰减,设置RELEASE旋钮足够的慢,以至于充许噪声门打开,使其原始信号可闻。
- Decay Resistance of Hemp by Seawater 大麻纤维的耐海水腐蚀性能
- All nature seemed pregnant with life. 整个大自然似乎充满了活力。
- He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质。