- nature ecology quality 自然生态质量
- It is science that teaches us to respect the natural ecology. 是科学,让我们懂得尊重自然生态。
- Similar to Nature Ecology, the species in Street Ecology are not isolated, instead, they are inter-related and inter-restricted as an integrated synthesis. 与自然生态一样,街道生态中的物种都并非孤立存在,而是相互联系、相互制约的统一综合体;
- Natural ecology is the basic and straightest element in environment. 自然生态环境是最直接最基本的环境要素;
- Can I accept extreme poverty in return for preserving the natural ecology of people like the Lisu ethnicity? 自己是否能够接收像傈僳族那样穷困但原生态的生活。
- And the last is to use Chengdu Bai Hua Tan Park as a real example to implement the naturalization ecology design. 最后是以成都市百花潭公园为实践空间,进行城市滨水公园的生态性设计。
- Team up with Taipei City Nature Education Promotion Association and establish Yun Hsein natural ecology classroom for the purpose of experiencing natural resources as well as protecting the environment. 与台北市大自然教育推广协会合作,成立云仙自然生态教室以体验自然资源进而保护自然生态为宗旨。
- The natural ecology continues to deteriorate, treatment of water and soil erosion has progressed slowly, and the trend of desertification has intensified. 自然生态恶化的趋势仍在发展,水土流失治理进展缓慢,沙漠化扩张的势头日益加剧。
- This authoritative monitoring report indicates, "In general, the natural ecology of the reservoir area has remained unchanged. 这项权威监测显示:“库区自然生态总体仍维持原状。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Greenbelts along highways and expressways Imitate natural ecology, with efficiency, naturalness, and harmony as their focus. 高速公路绿化重视自然生态,讲求实效;
- This paper makes a suggestion of "restoring marshy ground water environment and building harmonious natural ecology"to get the catastrophes under control. 为此,笔者以“恢复湿地丰水环境、营造和谐自然生态”为目标,阐述对湿地灾变的防治意见。
- Natural Ecological Zone will be used for silviculture. 整个工程将于近期分为三期开发实施。
- The advantages and conditions, including natural ecology and policy environment, the existing problem to develop Fujian agricultural circular economy were analyzed. 本文分析了福建省农业循环经济发展的自然生态、政策环境等优势与条件,以及存在的问题;
- The ineffectiveness of management system of wetland resources in Heihe river basin has led to destruction and sharp decline of wetland resources,and drop in ecological quality. 黑河流域湿地资源由于管理体系不完善;造成了湿地资源的破坏、锐减和生态质量下降.;使得黑河流域湿地资源的保护所面临的形势不容乐观。
- The tragedy of Jude, Arabella, and Sue is more the result of the loss of balance of spiritual ecology than the result of destruction of natural ecology. 裘德、艾拉白拉、淑等人的悲剧,既有自然生态破坏的原因,更是他们精神生态失衡所致。
- All nature seemed pregnant with life. 整个大自然似乎充满了活力。
- Lee Guillory, the Natural Disaster Manager for the Army Corps of Engineers in New Orleans, says this does disrupt the natural ecology of the lake, but only for a while. 为了降低新奥尔良附近河流的水位,政府官员正在将密西西比河的淡水疏导到庞恰特雷恩湖当中。
- He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质。
- The girl is of a confiding nature. 这女孩具有轻信别人的性格。