- Love of nature colored all of the author's writing. 对大自然的爱好使这位作家的所有作品独具特色。
- Love of nature colored all of his writings. 喜爱自然作为他所有著作的特色。
- The natural color of Lancer's hair was growing in. 兰瑟的头发慢慢恢复到了原本的颜色。
- An introduction to the colored shaggy rabbit hair 彩色长绒兔毛
- Because its surface is slick and the spinnability is not well, the depilation of rabbit hair product is easy. 但兔绒纤维表面光滑,可纺性差,其产品脱绒现象较为严重。
- Does the Natural Colored Cotton Hold a Rosy Future? 天然彩棉会出彩?
- Our factory specializes in producing wool felt hat, hat hood(hat body), rabbit hair knitted cap, fur cap and so on. 我们厂是专业生产羊毛认为,帽子,帽子,遮光罩(帽子机构),兔毛针织帽,毛皮帽等。
- Alpaca, Mohair and Angora rabbit hair were mostly used in rough products because of their poor spinning property. 羊驼毛、马海毛、安哥拉兔毛可纺性能较差,多用于开发粗纺产品。
- The blend fabric of rabbit hair and Shetland wool feels soft and brings better economic benefits. 兔毛雪兰毛混纺产品比雪兰毛产品有较柔软的手感及良好的经济效益。
- Io is digitally superposed in natural color. 木卫一是用自然色彩经过数字叠加后形成。
- Shop The four treasures refer to burshes,inksticks,paper and inkstones. Here are some painting brushes made of goat hair,weasel hair and rabbit hair. 售货员: 文房四宝指笔墨纸砚,毛笔有羊毫、狼毫和紫毫。
- The strength of rabbit hair and Australian wool was measured in one-process by means of the domestic-made single fibre strength tester. 作者用国产单纤维电子强力仪对兔毛、澳毛和国毛进行一次拉伸试验。
- Lin X,Current situation questions and countermeasures of our country nature colored cotton study and exploitation[J].Jiangxi Cottons,2000,22(2):3-11. [1]林昕.;我国彩色棉研究开发现状及存在问题与解决对策[J]
- By analyses,the writer thinks it is possible that producing the heat-bonded wadding used comprised material of rabbit hair and ES fiber. 分析认为,采用ES纤维与兔毛纤维混合加工热熔絮片是可行的。
- Abstract: Rabbit hair fiber is characterized by smooth fiber surface, low coefficient of friction, and the tendency to depilating. 摘 要: 为了克服兔毛纤维表面光滑、摩擦因数小及其产品容易脱毛的缺点,对兔毛纤维用双氧水(30%25)处理后,再配合酶处理工艺,使纤维得到一定的减量率。
- Current crop dried tapioca material, double-skinned, and dried, without moldy, white nature color, without insects. 当年作物且干木薯原料,双重被剥皮的,被烘干,无霉变,原白色,无虫蛀。
- The properties of rabbit hair were changed by the means of modification of sericin with the fixation of natural polymer in the field of microwave. 采用天然高聚物作为固着剂,在微波场中对兔毛纤维与丝胶进行改性处理。
- Shop The four treasures refer to burshes, inksticks, paper and inkstones. Here are some painting brushes made of goat hair, weasel hair and rabbit hair. 售货员: 文房四宝指笔墨纸砚,毛笔有羊毫、狼毫和紫毫。
- Natural colors like natural teeth. 色泽栩栩如生,酷似天然牙齿。
- Property speciality of Thermolite fiber and angora rabbit hair was introduced,and the influence on spinning technology and yarn quality was also analyzed. 介绍了Thermolite纤维和安哥拉兔毛的性能特点,分析了纤维性能特点对纺纱工艺及成纱质量的影响。