- I put him down as a retired naval officer. 我看他是个退役的海军军官。
- The naval officer asked him to stay away from the base. 那位海军军官让他离开基地。
- The naval officer cackled and Faber smiled. 海军军官捧腹大笑,连费伯也微微地笑了。
- Admiral Nelson was a naval officer. 纳尔逊上将是个海军军官。
- He served as a naval officer during the war. 战时他在海军当军官。
- My grandfather wished me to be a naval officer. 我祖父希望我成为一位空军军官。
- A student training to be a commissioned naval officer, especially a student at a naval academy. 海军军官学校学员训练成为海军军官的学生,尤指在海军军官学校的学生
- He was a naval officer of the fighting type, abrupt, decisive. 他是一个战斗型的海军军官,突兀,果断。
- A high-ranking German Naval officer received him and guaranteed that no such thing would happen again. 一位德国高级海军军官接待了他,向他保证,今后不会再发生类似事件了。
- American naval officer and Arctic explorer who led the expedition credited with first reaching the North Pole(1909). 皮尔里,罗伯特·埃德温1856-1920美国海军军官和北极探险者,他率远征队第一次到达北极(1909年)
- A student training to be a commissioned naval officer,especially a student at a naval academy. 海军军官学校学员训练成为海军军官的学生,尤指在海军军官学校的学生
- American naval officer known for his victory at Manila Bay(May1, 1898) in the Spanish-American War. 德威,约翰1859-1952美国哲学家,教育家,是哲学实用主义的倡导者,通过生搬硬套实践经验的广泛基础抵制传统的教育方式
- Bing Xin (1900 -1999), originally known as Xie Wanying, was from a naval officer's family in Changle, Fujian. 冰 心(1900-1999)福建长乐人。 原名谢婉莹。 出生于海军军官家庭。
- A naval officer fell overboard. He was rescued by a deck hand. The officer asked how he could reward him. 一名海军军官从甲板上掉入海中。他被一名甲板水手救起。这位军官问如何都能酬谢他。
- Naval officers must understand both the theory and the practice of navigation. 海军军官必须了解航海术的理论与实践。
- Naval officers have stripes on their sleeves as insignia of their rank. 海军军官在他们的袖子上有像他们身分标帜的条纹。
- American naval officer known for his victory at Manila Bay(May1,1898) in the Spanish-American War. 德威,约翰1859-1952美国哲学家,教育家,是哲学实用主义的倡导者,通过生搬硬套实践经验的广泛基础抵制传统的教育方式。
- American naval officer who commanded the U.S.S. Constitution to victory over the H.M.S. Java in the War of1812. 贝里布里奇,威廉1774-1833美国海军军官,在1812年的战争中指挥美国参议院的宪法号击败英国皇家海军舰艇爪哇号。
- American naval officer and explorer of Antarctica and the Pacific coast of North America. Wilkes Land was named after him. 威尔克斯,查尔斯1798-1877美国海军军官和探险家,曾到南极洲和北美洲的太平洋沿岸探险。威尔克斯地是以他的名字命名的
- His two sons were naval officers, his daughter was self-supporting and clever. 他的两儿子都是海军军官,女儿经济上也已经独立了,而且很聪明。