- navigative query processing 导航查义方法
- Query processing is not extensible. 查询处理是不可扩展的。
- You want to index the XML data for faster query processing. 您希望对XML数据创建索引,以提高查询处理的速度。
- Efficient algorithm is the key of efficient query processing. 高效的算法是高效查询处理的关键。
- Query execution is the basis of query process mechanism. 查询处理机制中查询执行是基本。
- Efficient structural join is the key operation in XML query processing. 有效的结构连接是XML查询处理的关键。
- Query processing in such systems may involve lookups on server database. 在这类系统上的查询处理可能会设计在服务器端数据库上的查找。
- Describes how to reduce the load on your primary server by using a secondary server for read-only query processing. 说明如何通过使用辅助服务器进行只读查询处理来减少主服务器上的负荷。
- The CIMOM supports services such as event notification, remote access, and query processing. CIMOM支持服务,比如事件通知、远程访问以及查询处理。
- Building the index avoids parsing the whole data at run time and benefits index lookups for efficient query processing. 生成索引避免了在运行时分析所有数据,并且索引查找有利于进行高效的查询处理。
- You can reduce the load on your primary server by using a secondary server for read-only query processing. 通过使用辅助服务器进行只读查询处理,可以减少主服务器的负荷。
- Semantic Query Specifies semantic query processing extension used to process report models. 指定用于处理报表模型的语义查询处理扩展插件。
- A list of default query processing options is established for the duration of a user's work session. 将针对用户工作会话的持续时间,建立一个默认查询处理选项的列表。
- We expand and propose some algorithms of query processing on EDF&B index, and show their efficiency. 扩展并提出了几种EDF&B索引上的查询处理算法,并用实验验证了算法的高效性。
- Describes statement processing, stored procedure execution, query plan caching and reuse, and parallel query processing. 介绍语句处理、存储过程执行、查询计划缓存和重用以及并行查询处理。
- This can result in a substantial improvement for expensive functions that are called during query processing with the same parameters. 这样就可以大大改进那些在查询处理过程中用相同参数调用的且占用大量资源的函数。
- Determines whether query processing is optimized towards a workload that is a mix of updates and reads or a workload that is predominantly read-based. 确定优化查询处理的目标是针对更新和读取混合进行的负载还是针对主要基于读取的负载。
- Determines whether query processing is optimized towards returning the first row quickly, or minimizing the cost of returning the complete result set. 确定优化查询处理的意图:是迅速返回第一行,还是为最大程度地降低返回整个结果集的成本。
- Button to validate the MDX syntax and check that any query optimization or other query processing completes successfully. 按钮可以验证MDX语法并检查任何查询优化或其他查询处理是否成功完成。
- The topics in this section describe how to enhance performance by analyzing your database and publication design, and by improving query processing. 本节中的主题介绍如何通过以下两种方法增强性能:分析数据库和发布设计;改进查询处理过程。