- Beltran Leyva died during an assault by navy special forces on a luxury apartment tower in a central Mexican city. 他是多年来墨西哥抓获或击毙的级别最高的毒枭。
- Feature of Logistic Support and Prevention of Training Wound During Sea training of Navy Special Forces 海军特种兵海上训练卫勤保障特点及训练伤预防
- navy special forces 海军特种兵大队
- The special forces have a variety of missions. 特种部队执行多种任务。
- What are the special tasks for the special forces? 特种部队有那些特殊任务呢?
- I know that the special forces can rescue hostages and POWs, too. 我知道特种部队也营救人质和战俘。
- Most special forces are equipped with sophisticated weapons. 大多数特种部队都拥有精良的武器装备。
- S., a special forces unit of the Raccoon Police Department. S.;任职,一支隶属于浣熊市警署的特种部队。
- A former Special Forces officer, now member of the Horizon team. 一位前特种部队军官;现团队成员地平线.
- Indian special forces personnel are trying to rescue the hostages. 中英文对照:印度特种部队人员正在试图解救人质。
- He spoke of several members of the class of 2001, from the leader of a rifle platoon in Iraq to a member of a Navy special operations team in Afghanistan. 他谈到了几个2001届的学员,有一个成了在伊拉克的一个自动步枪排排长,另一个是在阿富汗的海军特种部队成员。
- A special force was detached from the army. 军队派出了一支特种部队。
- At first,I wanted be a state trooper,then I wanted to be in the Special Forces. 起初,我想当国民警卫队员,还想过进特种兵部队。
- Many countries have set up special forces to carry out special tasks. 很多国家建立了执行特殊作战任务的特种部队。
- What qualities and skills should the soldiers have for the special forces? 特种部队的士兵应具备什么素质和技能呢?
- Special forces play an important role in both wartime and peacetime. 无论在战时还是平时,特种部队都发挥着重要作用。
- Navy Special Service Administrative Activity 海军特别勤务行政管理处
- Navy Special Weapons Ordnance Publication 海军特种武器军械出版物
- United States Navy Special Projects Office 美国海军专项工程办公室
- A 2,000 pound JDAM bomb landed with devastating precision,killing three Special Forces soldiers and five Afghan allies. 于是一枚2000磅的联合制导攻击炸弹极其准确地投下来,炸死了3名特种部队士兵和5名阿富汗同盟队员。